Saturday, 27 November, 2010 - 21:00
Splitter Orchester @ Radialsystem V
Radialsystem V
Hilary Jeffery
Burkhard Beins
Kai Fagaschinski
Michael Thieke
Axel Dörner
Ignaz Schick
Liz Allbee
Boris Baltschun
Burkhard Beins
Nicholas Bussmann
Anthea Caddy
Anat Cohavi
Werner Dafeldecker
Mario de Vega
Axel Dörner
Kai Fagaschinski
Helena Gough
Robin Hayward
Steve Heather
Chris Heenan
Hilary Jeffery
Matthias Müller
Morten J. Olsen
Simon James Phillips
Ignaz Schick
Michael Thieke
Sabine Vogel
Clayton Thomas
Clare Cooper
Splitter Orchester at Radialsystem V
Concert starts 21:00, Entrance 15.-/10.- erm.
Splitter Orchester combines the awesome collective power of 24 of Berlin’s most consistently creative, self motivated and conceptually optimistic musicians.
The Orchester is not just an investigation into aesthetics, but a fully engaged dialog about metaphor, personality, society and the raw power of sound.
Like every group of musicians, habits exist, and assumptions are made – our work is about breaking these down, looking at the potential of every idea, relationship and desire, and genuinely opening a dialog about what improvisation is – living, breathing, fully committed spontaneity.
The group is a construct of jazz musicians, new music composers, instrument builders, virtuosos, dilettantes and autodidacts
Gregor Hotz, Clare Cooper and Clayton Thomas have chosen these 24 musicians from the enormous pool of Berlin based creative artists, because of their common commitment to a personal path. They are all artists working on discovering their own unique music.
By committing to extended collaboration on a major scale, this group of outstanding artists may truly experience and present an unprecedented music.
Liz Allbee (Trumpet), Boris Baltschun (Computer), Burkhard Beins (Percussion), Nicholas Bussmann (Cello), Anthea Caddy (Cello), Clare Cooper (Artistic Director, Harp & Guzheng), Anat Cohavi (Bass Clarinet, Soprano Sax), Werner Dafeldecker (Double Bass), Mario de Vega (Electronics), Axel Dörner (Trumpet), Kai Fagaschinski (Clarinet), Helena Gough (Computer), Robin Hayward (Tuba), Steve Heather (Percussion), Chris Heenan (Contrabass Clarinet), Hilary Jeffery (Trombone), Matthias Müller (Trombone), Morten J. Olsen (Percussion), Penelopex (Field Recordings, Electronics), Simon James Phillips (Piano), Ignaz Schick (Turntable, Objects), Michael Thieke (Alto Clarinet, Clarinet), Clayton Thomas (Artistic Director, Double Bass), Sabine Vogel (Flutes)
Funded by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds,
and friendly supported by Wabe Berlin and INM Berlin e.V.
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