Werner Dafeldecker

Werner Dafeldecker

Werner Dafeldecker – Double Bass

Born 1964 in Vienna, Austria – lives in Berlin.

Background: European modern music and improvisation. Examination of graphical notations, Fluxus, Minimal Music, electroacoustic music, Jazz and Field Recordings. His musical projects are often inspired and deduced by outside influences such as architecture, physics, photography and film. Longtime sound and structure studies and the formulation of distinct articulations are in the center of his work as a composer and musician and are parallel to technological developements often connected with with electronic formats.

Remittance Works, Exhibitions, Concerts (assortment) :

Kammermusiktage Witten; Contemporary Arts Museum Houston; Berliner Festspiele Maerz Musik; Sound Field Festival Chicago; Festival Wien Modern - Vienna; Sammlung Essl - Austria; Centre Pompidou - Paris; New Langton Arts - San Francisco; Festival Steirischer Herbst Graz; What is Music Festival Australia; international music festival vancouver; lmc festival london; dundee media festival; ultraschall festival berlin; salzburger festspiele; fmp festival berlin; renaissance society chicago;

As part of the series biegungen im ausland

As part of the series biegungen im ausland

As part of the series biegungen im ausland

As part of the series biegungen im ausland

As part of the series biegungen im ausland

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