Organza Ray // Brique
Brique © Michel Slomka
Brique © Michel Slomka
Organza Ray Selfie © Organza Ray
Organza Ray Selfie © Organza Ray

Brique © Michel Slomka | Organza Ray Selfie © Organza Ray

Sunday, 08 December, 2024 - 20:30

Organza Ray // Brique

Eleni Poulou
Hilary Jeffery
Bianca Iannuzzi
Eve Risser
Luc Ex
Francesco Pastacaldi

Doors 20.30 Uhr | Concerts 21 Uhr | Tickets (only at door) € 10,--

Organza Ray
Eleni Poulou – synthesizer, voice 
Hilary Jeffery – trombone, electronics 

Bianca Iannuzzi – voice
Eve Risser – piano
Luc Ex – bass
Francesco Pastacaldi – drums

Organza Ray are Hilary Jeffery and Eleni Poulou, working together since spring 2022. Early improvised soundtracks to spontaneous storytelling have transformed into future folk songs. Their work includes collaborations with many other musicians and artists, live and in the studio, connecting pathways of knowledge through sound. Their primary form of artistic practice is a form of musical conversation which they have evolved together and with others over the past two years. Their music is contemporary in the real sense in that it connects to many different styles and forms of music. Both Hilary Jeffery and Eleni Poulou have an immense experience of playing music in many contexts from new music to rock, improvised music to art installations. This broad palette provides a deep creative source which they crystallise into their own distinct and recognisable music. 

Born out of a long-standing collaboration between four improvising musicians, Brique plays with construction and deconstruction like a post-punk Russian doll, toying with the codes of song format. Shamelessly fusing multiple influences, from rap to romanticism, classical harmonies and lyrical flights to hammered lyrics, the accident is never far away, often throwing the writing into disarray.
The cut-up, the practice of collage in writing, gives the vocals a punchy character while the instruments are ready to pounce at any moment. While each track has its own colour, the whole repertoire is united by the slightly overflowing energy and exaggerated expressionism of the performers.

Supported by Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion.

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As part of the series biegungen im ausland

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