Thursday, 26 August, 2010 - 16:00
Splitter Orchester Takes The A-Train
ohrenstrand mobil am Berliner Hauptbahnhof
Hauptbahnhof, ohrenstrand mobil
Europaplatz 1, 10557 Berlin
free entrance
When you’re rushing for your train, you might not notice the inherent poetry in the screech and howl of arriving engines, the mix of accelerating chromatic scales that signal the departing visitors, and the subtle but encompassing hum of 27 platforms vibrating with incessant conversations, conductors calls, announcements and advertisements.
On August 26, the 24 piece electro-acoustic ensemble- Splitter Orchester, invite you to an hour of sound that will re-write your perception of Berlin’s Grand Central Station. Using an arsenal of double basses, cello's, cracked electronics, brass, reeds, drums and field recordings - this large, but starkly subtle ensemble will delve deep into the nooks and crannies of HBF's sound world, amplifying the alien and astounding artefacts that lurk within.
Clayton Thomas (Künstlerische Leitung, Kontrabass)
Clare Cooper (Künstlerische Leitung, Harfe & Guzheng) mit den folgenden MusikerInnen:
Liz Allbee (Trompete), Boris Baltschun (Computer), Burkhard Beins (Perkussion), Nicholas Bussmann (Cello), Anthea Caddy (Cello), Anat Cohavi (Bassklarinette, Sopransaxophon), Werner Dafeldecker (Kontrabass), Mario De Vega (Elektronik), Axel Dörner (Trompete), Kai Fagaschinski (Klarinette), Helena Gough (Computer), Robin Hayward (Tuba), Steve Heather (Perkussion), Chris Heenan (Kontrabass-Klarinette), Hilary Jeffery (Posaune), Matthias Müller
(Posaune), Morten J. Olsen (Perkussion), Penelope X (Feldaufnahmen, Elektronik), Simon James Phillips (Piano), Ignaz Schick (Turntable, Objekte), Michael Thieke (Klarinetten), Sabine Vogel (Flöten)
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