Saturday, 27 April, 2024 - 20:21
Laura.aLL / Schoco Mune / Zara Paz
Laura.aLL – guitar, electronics
schoco mune – microphones, feedback, effects
Zara Paz – trombone, electronics
Doors open 19h | Concert 20h |Tickets (only at the door) sliding scale 7-15 €
Laura.aLL is the new Laura Leiner’s project. Also know as LauraL, the brazilian artist works and lives in Berlin and since 2004 she has been the guitarist of the band M.i.p.V _ Música intermináveis para Viagem (“Endless Music For Tripping”). She is an artist and researcher with a multidisciplinary background encompassing music and its relateds, performing arts, photography, video, chemistry and communication-journalism. Her work ranges from experimental art to ambient music, psychedelic rock, electroacoustic, noise and minimal.
schoco mune is a sound, noise and experimental music artist based in Amsterdam. Her performances use several contact microphones to capture human body movements and amplify emotional flow. Using feedback and the effector boxes, several layers of sounds slowly pile up that start breaking themselves and reacting internally. She is a co-organizer of the “SOTU festival” every April in Amsterdam and also organizes the concert series “kinky noise” and “noisevember” every November.
Zara Paz antigenitalisticrrrriot speedcore from Berlin. Founder of Antigenitalistic Rrrriot + Del_F64.0, Unpredictable Speedwhore of Death, Dominatrix & Writer of Morbid Shortnovels
Die Veranstaltung wird gefördert durch LIVE500 Initiative Musik und BKM (Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien)