Gordoa/Schmoliner/Pultz Melbye + Sink + Abrahams
Image for Gordoa/Schmoliner/Pultz Melbye + Sink + Abrahams

Sunday, 22 April, 2018 - 20:30

Gordoa/Schmoliner/Pultz Melbye + Sink + Abrahams

Chris Abrahams
Emilio Gordoa
Ingrid Schmoliner
Adam Pultz
Chris Abrahams
Marcello S. Busato
Andrea Ermke
Arthur Rother

Gordoa/Schmoliner/Pultz Melbye
Emilio Gordoa – vibraphone
Adam Pultz Melbye – double bass
Ingrid Schmoliner – prepared piano

Andrea Ermke – mini discs & mixing board
Chris Abrahams – dx7 synthesizer
Marcello Busato – drums
Arthur Rother – guitar

Chris Abrahams solo – piano

English below

Mit dem Vibraphonisten Emilio Gordoa, der auf Präparationen spezialisierten Pianistin Ingrid Schmoliner und dem Kontrabassisten Adam Pultz Melbye hat sich ein neues Improvisationstrio zusammengefunden, das sich ideal ergänzt und gegenseitig trägt. Gemeinsam gestalten sie faszinierende Klangwelten und komplexe Strukturen.

wurde 2004 in Berlin gegründet. Obwohl Andrea Ermke, Chris Abrahams, Marcello Busato und Arthur Rother meistens improvisieren, spielen, klingen und fühlen sie sich als eine Band mit einem spezifischen Band-Sound. Sie kreieren hypnotisierende, melancholische Klangtexturen, die oft, aber nicht unbedingt, in einen minimalistischen Groove übergehen.

Der Synthesizer-Spieler von Sink Chris Abrahams ist ansonsten vor allem als Pianist der legendären und international erfolgreichen Band The Necks bekannt. Er rundet den Abend mit einem seiner wirkungsvollen und minimalistischen Solopiano-Performances ab.

Hailing from Austria, Denmark and Mexico and based in Vienna and Berlin, Ingrid Schmoliner, Adam Pultz Melbye and Emilio Gordoa extended instrumental techniques and preparations to sculpture sound and narrative in a softly poetic language. With low-key asprirations towards the sublime, the trio conjures up captivating inharmonicity, jadggedly oscillating patterns and ambigious sequences resting at piece in a not-knowing, not-staying, not-saying.

was formed in 2004 in Berlin. Though the music is improvised, Andrea Ermke, Chris Abrahams, Marcello Busato and Arthur Rother play, perform, sound and feel as a band with a distinct band sound. Their sound ranges from Berlin-typical Echtzeitmusik related sound scapes which can, but need not, result in a minimalistic groove. Sink have contributed a track on the 2 disc compilation album "Special Berlin Issue" on the label Improvised Music from Japan.

Chris Abrahams has been a member of the Benders, Laughing Clowns, and The Necks. He has recorded several solo albums, as well as collaborations with Melanie Oxley from the Sparklers. Abrahams has also been a session musician on albums for artists such as The Church, The Whitlams, Midnight Oil, Wendy Matthews, Skunkhour and Silverchair. In 1984 Chris recorded and released his first solo piano album - Piano, followed in 1986 by Walk. Chris released a third solo piano album, Glow, in 2001. This was followed in 2003 by Streaming, and then Thrown (2004), Play Scar (2010) and Memory Night (2013). Chris has collaborated, in both recording and performance, with many contemporary improvising musicians including Burkhard Beins, Mike Cooper and Anthony Pateras. He performs regularly in the improvising music scenes both in Australia and Europe.

Supported by Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa
Presented by Digital in Berlin

Doors: 8.30 pm
Concert start: 9.00 pm

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As part of the series biegungen im ausland

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