Thursday, 19 November, 2015 - 21:30
[...,] + Cross-Pollination
PARADOX & PARALLELS (dritten Abend: standort)
[...,] von agata siniarska
PRODUKTION: komuna//warszawa Juni 2015
diese Performance ist ein Kampf zwischen Leben und Tod, wo die Grenzen zwischen Science Fiction und eine soziale Wahrnehmung nun optisch Illusionen sind.
generation: agata siniarska / diego agullo / buch / licht / computer / ton / raum / siegmar zacharias / mateusz szymanowka / ania nowak / marta keil / thomas schaupp / tbc
operation: agata siniarska / diego agullo / audience / tbc
transmission: buch / körper / licht / ton / raum / kostüme / tbc
female trouble: Cross Pollination
female trouble ist nur diese kleine Gruppe von Freunden. Wie eine Person, möchte das Kollektiv mit anderen kommunizieren, in einen Austausch gehen, Räume und Diskussionen für andere und mit anderen ermöglichen, Teil eines Netzwerk des Lernens und Infrage-stellens sein, künstlerische Arbeit machen und teilen. Fragen zur geteilten Autorschaft, die Rolle des Publikums, und erfahrungsbasierte Wissensproduktion sind wesentliche Aspekte unserer kollektiven Arbeitsweise. Formen des Exponierens, der Kommunikation, der Präsenz. Wir kreieren Momente für Sichtbarkeit und etablieren temporäre Gemeinschaften, in denen die Regeln verhandelt werden.
Cross Pollination ist (wieder) einmal ein Ereignis in dem female trouble kollektive Performance praktizieren. Es ist eine Praxis von Scores, die drei Körper lesend, schreibend und tanzend, ansammelt und um-formuliert. Miteinander, durch gegenseitige Zuneigung, in Echt-Zeit.
------- english -------
[...,] from agata siniarska
PRODUCTION: komuna//warszawa June 2015
this performance is a struggle over life and death, where the boundary between science fction and social reality is just an optical illusion.
generation: agata siniarska/ diego agullo/ book/ light/ computer/ sound/ space/ siegmar zacharias/ mateusz szymanowka/ ania nowak/ marta keil/ thomas schaupp/ tbc
operation: agata siniarska/ diego agullo/ audience/ tbc
transmission: book/ body/ light/ sound/ space/ costume/ tbc
female trouble : Cross Pollination
female trouble is only that small friendship group. Like an individual does, the collective seeks to communicate with others, go into exchange, facilitate space and discussion for and with others, be part of a network of learning and questioning, creating and sharing artistic work. Questions about co-authorship, the role of the audience, experiential knowledge production are crucial to our collective way of working. Modes of exposure, communication, presence. We create moments for visibility and establish temporary communities in which the rules are negotiated.
Cross Pollination is (yet) another occasion of female trouble practicing collective performance. It is a practice of circulating scores that accumulates and reformulates three bodies reading, writing and dancing with one another through mutual affection in real time.
It is about Pleasing pleasure? No-.
It is not about being liked?
It is a proposal.-
Hierarchizing Hierarchyzing./De-HierarchizingHierarchying.
The dDancing is fine.-
What does it mean?
A kind of Machine, we are becoming….
What was the feedback?-
What is the difference
between stage and studio?
(Do) we care about a specific Outcome (?)
Or will it be a pPiece?
Be aA pPiece.
What is this About?
The tTyranny of nNo sStructure.
Blending nNow and bBefore
Projecting the cComing
Determining the future
Discipline of aAttending to oOne aAnother.-
female trouble is a friendship based collective ( Roni Katz, Agata Siniarska, Xenia Taniko Dwertmann ) working in Berlin since 2013. We share a mutual process of artistic, intellectual, personal and political discourse revolving around identities, bodies, femininities and feminisms. Female Trouble focus on hosting events and practicing collective performances. We have created the public platform VULVA CLUB - themed screenings and lectures, realized in collaboration with artist-run spaces such as Boys Club, KuLe Theater and Kleiner Salon (in collaboration with Coven Berlin). VULVA CLUB expands the collective's internal discourse beyond its own borders and works to amplify female/feminist perspectives. We have performed the practice as Let's do it the other/another way around, at SOMA Gallery (invited by the london-based collective hysteria), Plateau Gallery and Dock 11.
Paradox & Parallels ist eine Performance-Reihe im ausland Herbst 2015.
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung des Bezirksamtes Pankow von Berlin Fachbereich Kunst und Kultur

As part of the series Place Rhythm. Pulse