Saturday, 09 November, 2024 - 12:00
LET'S TALK! Nonverbal communication in arts and culture
Sat 09.11.2024
12.00 – 15.00 Uhr
Information about the workshop in International sign you find here
The workshop is aimed at hearing people who work in the cultural sector. The workshop will tackle collaborative and open communication between hearing and deaf communities and individuals, whether in the office, behind the counter, at the mixing desk or entrance.
We offer an introduction to sensitive communication with deaf artists and audience and work on seeing, naming and deconstructing communication barriers. We have a look at everyday situations and work on basics of nonverbal communication.
✦ The Workshop lasts 3 hours and is held in DGS (German Sign Language)
There will be communication assistance for german spoken language.
Okan Seese is Germany´s only deaf comedian who is also performing for a deaf audience. He´s experienced in many different parts of the cultural sector as comedian, actor, porformer and DGS lecturer.
Er schöpft aus vielfältigen Erfahrungen in Kulturbetrieb als Komiker, Schauspieler, Performer und als Dozent für DGS.
The workshop is donation based.

As part of the series All The Rivers