All the Rivers: Radical Empathy Lab Workshop
Re-Gaining Ecological Futures_Mycopoetics_2023_Floating University_curated by Berit Fischer_Foto_Katharina Geist

Saturday, 01 June, 2024 - 11:30

All the Rivers: Radical Empathy Lab Workshop

Berit Fischer


Radical Empathy Lab (REL) is a nomadic socio-ecological and experimental lab that challenges the metrics driven notion of the laboratory in that it activates a holistic knowledge production. 

Berit Fischer's Radical Empathy Lab (REL) invites to an affective encounter that embraces relational –versus informational– learning, and that in-corpo-rates the sensing body through transdisciplinary holistic advances that are intertwined with the cognitive. Through practices inspired e.g., by Deep Listening, the lab playfully rehearses the reconnection to the sensual and experiential and seeks to activate a critical consciousness towards interconnectedness and what Brazilian theorist Suely Rolnik calls an “active micropolitics”. REL moves through time and place as a question, a slogan, an intervention, as actions, as affective encounter and as place that allows to explore how to activate a micropolitical and a holistic making and understanding of empathy as “affective translation” (Carolyn Pedwell).

All bodies are welcome. 

The workshop is held in English. 

In good weather the session will take place outdoors. Come in comfortable and weather suitable clothes.

Please register on our contact form here, choose the category: Residencies / Workshops / Performing Arts.


We offer communication assistance for all workshops. You can find information on accessibility at ausland here. If you have any questions about the possibilities of participating in the workshops, you can write to us under this LINKor call this number: 0178 8896746

As part of the series All The Rivers

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