Beresford Solo (UK) / Rebecca

Friday, 10 September, 2004 - 22:30

Beresford Solo (UK) / Rebecca

Kai Fagaschinski
Kai Fagaschinski

part I
Rebecca (Berlin)
Kai Fagaschinski : clarinet
Michael Renkel : acoustic guitar, zither & preparations
(first and only live appearance in 2004!)
part II
Steve Beresford (London, UK) Solo: everyday electronics, sampler, toys
Steve Beresford has been playing free improvisation on piano and other instruments since the mid 1970s. Over the years, he has expanded his collection of small and toy instruments to include cheap electronics and samplers. This setup can be heard on various recordings. The two most recent, both released in Italy, are a duo with Tania Chen (normally also a pianist) on a Rossbin CD and duos
with John Butcher and Richard Sanderson on a limited edition
coloured LP on QBico.
for more information on Steve click here

or here!
Rebecca exists since October 2001. Work began with improvisations. Over the cause of time the same piece was repeatedly "improvised" again, reducing the concept of improvisation to absurdity. Through repeated playing a musical piece, a composition come into being. The piece is not notated. Rebecca remembers, and forgets. It is not so much a matter of interpreting a preconceived idea but rather of continuously working on and within the piece. The musical work becomes practice, action.

Because the same piece is played over and over again in variations, piece and musician merge into a process. The concept of return is also hidden in the name ("re"). Less obviously, "bec" (back) refers to the act of remembering, while "ca." (circa) stands for the vague, the indeterminate. This rotating around oneself and remembering as a means of drawing from the past, however, both aim at forward movement and outward communication. Repetition as memory facing forward.

Over the past one and a half years, the music was developed in a slow and secluded manner as was necessary. It wasn't until recently, in May 2003, that Rebecca's premier was held in the "Küche" in Berlin. The present recording was made during four days in Fagaschinski's flat last December. The two pieces chosen were recorded in real-time.

Berlin, July 2003
K.F. & M.R.
for more information, fotos and mp3's about rebecca please click here

As part of the series biegungen im ausland

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