Sunday, 18 September, 2005 - 22:00
stewart / soybelman
Amanda Stewart
"mid-voice quantum leaps abounded. Systematic negation of continuity
did not preclude cryptic humour"
Amanda Stewart is a poet, writer and
vocalist. She has created a variety of texts, performances, radio,
film and intermedia works in Australia, Japan, the US and Europe.
From 1978 to 1981 she studied philosophy and media production
at UTS in Sydney and In 1979 she was a co-founder of 2SER FM (Sydney
Educational Radio). From 1983 to 1993 she worked full time at the
Australian Broadcasting Corporation in Sydney as a radio producer of
documentaries, poetry and experimental audio arts and in 1991, with
Nicolette Freeman, co-wrote and directed the award winning film,
Eclipse of the Man-Made Sun.
Stewart has worked
with a variety of musicians, dancers and artists including Chris
Abrahams, Jim Denley, Tess De Quincey, Stephan Froyleks, Cor Fuhler,
Ikue Mori, Martin Klapper, Jon Rose, Manos Tsnagaris and Roger
Turner. She is a co-founder of the Australian improvised music
ensemble, Machine For Making Sense and the Netherlands trio, Allos.
Her opera, with composer Colin Bright, The Sinking of the
Rainbow Warrior was staged on Sydney Harbour as part of the
1997 Sydney Festival and was subsequently adapted for CD and radio in
Australia and Germany (1999 - 2003).
Works available include Eclipse
of the Man-Made Sun (Ronin Films, Australia, 1991), ‘ ≠ ‘
(Leonardo CD Series 3, MIT Press USA, 1993), Call it Poetry
(ABC TV, Australia, 1993), ‘ ≠ ‘ and duo with Jo Truman
(The Meridian Crossings, Lowlands, Czech Republic, 1995), on
second thoughts by Machine For Making Sense (00 Discs, USA,
1994), Talk is Cheap, Dissect the Body and
Consciousnessby Machine For Making Sense,(Split
Records, 004, 006, 007, Australia, 1996, 1998, 1999), Bit Part
Actor by Denley, Mori, Rue, Stewart, Watson (Braille 014,
NZ/USA, 1996), I/T Selected Poems (Solo CD/book set,
Here and There Books/Split Records, Australia 1998), I/T
Postcard Series (Here and There Books, Australia, 1999), The
Sinking of the Rainbow Warrior (Vast 028, Australia, 2000),
residue (Homo Sonorus, National Centre for
Contemporary Art, Kalingrad, Russia, 2001), Ninth World Music 025,
Denmark, 2002, Fumms bo wo taa zaa uu, Austria, 2002), Edge
with Rainer Linz (Westspace, Australia, 2002), sound
and sense, (verbivocovisual, Il Verri, No.25, Italy,
Text & Audio (
Amanda Stewart spielte mit machine for making sense, und ein weiteres
Mitglied von mfms - Jim Denley- ist am 9. Oktober im Ausland zu Gast.
Leonid Soybelman
Leider spielt Leonid Soybelman viel zu selten, zu hören war er im Ausland zuletzt mit Bulbul und mit Tiper Gore, wobei es zu einem kurzen Revival von Ketka Red kam.
Leonid Soybelman geboren in Moldavien, absolvierte er das
Konservatorium in Tallinn und verbrachte zwei Jahre als Mitglied des
Orchesters der Roten Armee. gründete 1987 Ne Zhdali, mit anderen
Musikern des Staatstheaters Tallinn, spielte über 400 Konzerte in
Europa, Kanada, Japan. Mit der Zigeunerformation Romale lernte er die
Technik der Zigeunermusik und das Repertoire der Russischen Volksmusik
kennen, worauf die Produktion Juliki basierte, realisiert mit Musikern
in Genf 1993. 1996 gründet er Kletka Red, mit internationalen Musikern,
die das Erbe der jiddischen Klezmer aufgreifen (CD auf Tzadik) und mit
rauer Energie das traditionelle Erbe lustvoll zersetzten.
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