Montag, 03 Juni, 2024 - 05:06

SueKi Yee

SueKi Yee is a Malaysian dancer-choreographer currently based in Germany. Having graduated from ASWARA Malaysia with a Bachelor in Dance, she's trained in contemporary dance, ballet, and various traditional Malaysian dance forms such as Bharatanatyam, Terinai, Zapin, Silat.

She's interested in the versatility of dance, with a particular interest in improvisation, site-specificity and multidisciplinary creations. Her experiments beyond movement include soundscapes, photo/videography, and text. Working across disciplines widens her perception and allows for varied entry points into a work, hence expanding the possibilities of research, creation, and presentation.

Some themes that have arisen in her works include (multi-)identities and fragmentation, memories, limitations and risks, the female body, and the ephemerality of the body, especially in connection to space and nature.

Her other roles include being a teacher, a programmer and artist-facilitator in community projects.

As part of the series Residenzen

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