raudio aasland // Diana Combo: (ears)
Image for raudio aasland // Diana Combo: (ears)

Sonntag, 21 Juli, 2013 - 21:00

raudio aasland // Diana Combo: (ears)

Diana Combo


88,4 MHz in Berlin & 90,7 MHz in Potsdam

Diana Combo did a residency in ausland in the first week of July. In this show she will present the residency and reflect on the process and result of her work.

The music featured in the show is part of a concert by The Listeneur, a performative event that happened last June in Porto.
The Listeneur are Andrea Neumann, João Martins, Filipe Silva and Diana Combo, who played together before as Andrea Neumann and Guests, in a project curated by the Serralves Foundation for its Improvisations / Collaborations program, in 2011.
Following a set of instructions informed by some Fluxus works and artists, they crossed the borders of improvisation and performance, of music people dance to and music people listen to.
The concert was prepared having in mind the specificities of the venue (Passos Manuel) in the way it allows people to have different points of listening/viewing about what is happening in the auditorium.

Andrea Neumann plays inside piano and mixer;
João Martins plays soprano sax, contratear, meSA and acoustic laptop;
Filipe Silva plays microphones, skin, stones and magnetic objects;
Diana Combo plays turntables and records.



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