CHAKANA YO: H*RIZ*NTE Installation Opening

Mittwoch, 25 April, 2012 - 18:00

CHAKANA YO: H*RIZ*NTE Installation Opening

25 Apr 2012 - 23:00


CHAKANA YO presents:

Grand Installation Opening with Andrea Ermke!

In this first public event of the residency, the sound installation by ANDREA ERMKE will be open for public for the first time.

It will accompany H*RIZ*NTE,  a stunning visual installation about alienation, abandoned places and landscapes and the weird results of it.  all around inside the ausland space.





About the CHAKANA YO Residency:

Chakana Yo is about bringing together a variety of musicians and artists working together at ausland on concerts, presentations and performances, which will be presented at ausland the same week. The initiative is rooted in the lust for life of the mysterious Chakana Yo itself. After a sudden dissapearance and a surprising come back in the summer of 2011, Chakana Yo will rehearse and record songs partly written after a neurological surgery. As well as offering space to artists to present their own ideas of dissapearance, emergence and emancipation.

First part of the residency from monday 23rd on, will include rehearsals of the new songs with the participating artists, and the developement of presentations and performances taking place publicly at ausland later this week. Resulting in 4 public events.


As part of the series Residenzen

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