Blind Date Long Play
Image for Blind Date Long Play

© Dajana Lothert

Montag, 20 September, 2021 - 00:00

Blind Date Long Play

26 Sep 2021 - 23:00

Blind Date Long Play 

Christina Ciupke, Clément Layes, Ayşe Orhon, Jasna Vinovrški and Litó Walkey return to their performance  project Blind Date, that premiered in 2019, to experiment with practices that developed during the initial  collaboration. Driven by a notion of ‘Only a part, not the whole’ the project tested alternative forms of  collaboration and knowledge circulation. The work (re) begins with one-on-one encounters with each other  leading up to this week together. They listen for the refractions of memories that emerge through incomplete  fragments of thought and language. As an archive of attention to ordinary encounters of objects, senses and  accidents, they play with these collective recitations to expose how “...thinking goes sideways and anything  can start to act like a hinge, activating that something suddenly is somehow at hand”. (The Hundreds, Lauren Berlant & Kathleen Stewart) 

Blind Date was originally produced by A lot of body GbR, funded by Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe, apap Performing Europe 2020, and supported by Montag Modus and Tanzfabrik. 

Blind Date Long Play is in residency at ausland from 20.09.2021 - 26.09.2021.  No public event is planned.




Ayse Orhon, Christina Ciupke, Clément Layes, Litó Walkey and Jasna Layes Vinovrški are Berlin based  artists (of French, Croatian, Greek, Canadian, American, German and Turkish backgrounds) who have  worked nationally and internationally in the expanded field of choreography for the past 20 years. As  performers, choreographers, teachers and curators their work includes writing, sound and visual practices.  

Their educational backgrounds have crossed in the noted performing arts schools of Europe  (DasChoreography Amsterdam; Folkwang Hochschule Essen, Conservatoire National Superior de Musique  et de Danse Lyon). Besides being individually associated with educational and cultural institutions in Berlin  and Europe (i.e. HZT, K3 Hamburg, APAP, Sophiensaele), they have been close collaborators with each  other in various constellations, working with institutions such as HAU, Tanzfabrik, Flutgraben and Fabrik  Potsdam. They are artists who persevere in opening doors to thinking more creatively, politically and  imaginatively about what dance and interdisciplinary art could be. 


Ayse Orhon, Christina Ciupke, Clément Layes, Litó Walkey und Jasna Layes Vinovrški sind in Berlin lebende Künstlerinnen und Künstler (mit französischem, kroatischem, griechischem, kanadischem, amerikanischem,  deutschem und türkischem Hintergrund), die seit 20 Jahren national und international im erweiterten Sinn  im Bereich der Choreographie arbeiten. Als Performer, Choreographen, Lehrer und Kuratoren umfasst ihre  Arbeit Schreiben, Performance, Sound und visuelle Praxis.  

Ihre Wege kreuzten sich während der Zeit ihrer Ausbildung an verschiedenen renommierten Schulen für  Darstellende Künste in Europa (DasChoreography Amsterdam; Folkwang Hochschule Essen, Conservatoire National Superior de Musique et de Danse Lyon) Zusätzlich dazu dass jeder der Künstler individuell mit  Bildungs- und Kultureinrichtungen in Berlin und Europa verbunden ist (z.B. HZT, K3 Hamburg, APAP,  Sophiensaele), haben sie auch in unterschiedlichen Konstellationen eng miteinander zusammengearbeitet in  Kooperation / Verbindung mit Institutionen wie dem Hebbel-am Ufer, Tanzfabrik Berlin, Kunstfabrik 



Ayse Orhon:

Christina Ciupke:

Jasna Layes Vinovrški:

Clement Layes:

Litó Walkey:


As part of the series Residenzen

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