Alltagskammer presents: Concert & Live Show
Image for Alltagskammer presents: Concert & Live Show

Samstag, 27 Dezember, 2014 - 21:00

Alltagskammer presents: Concert & Live Show



20:00 - SHOW: Variété for Beauties and Beasts will present unusual characters in their distorted realities.




22:00 - Konzert von verlinkte Quader und Rentierstolz musikern, then Djs.


Art is work in progress, on going creations all week of residency:

Painting, sewing costumes, silkscreen printing, weird hats, the Cunt Lab will present the Lust palace, sound installation and much, much more !!





As part of their residency in ausland from 22-28 December, Villa Kuriosum presents an everyday collection of curiosites.  


"Excerpts of Now" 

Since the late Renaissance "Wunderkammer" means a collection of curiosities representing the world: stuffed animals, weird weapons, exotic souvenirs and unique early automats were presented in one room for deep astonishment of all visitors.  "Things never seen before" became the contemporary replacement of the classcial miracle.  Different to those (art) chambers of aristocrats or extremely rich people, the collection of our association follows a different line:  We believe that the 'real' miracle can only be found in everyday life! (Hence: Alltagskammer!)

As Ambassadors of "Alltagskammer" we want to present you a traveller's collection of curiosities from their hous in Berlin-Lichteberg and hope you enjoy the installation.  

("...cause nothing can be more exotic than reality!")

As part of the series Residenzen

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