Daniel Jenatsch
Daniel Jenatsch is an Australian Composer, Sound Designer and Sound artist. His work is mainly collaborative in nature and includes a wide range of methods and practices including Sound Installation, Instrument Building, Music Composition, Electro-Acoustic Composition, Radio Programs, Sound Design Field Recording, and Performance. Recent work includes a performance in Matthew Barney and Jonathan Beplers ‘Ancient Evenings’. A collaboration with Jonathan Bepler on the musical score for ‘The Blanket Dance’ by DD Dorvillier, Frederic Gies, and Jefta van Dinther. A performance with the group ‘New Forms of life’ with Samuel Forsythe, Enad Marouf and Billy Bultheel.
Daniel Jenatsch is the direct descendant of political assassin and cultural chameleon Jörg von Jenatsch who in 1639 was assassinated in Chur, Switzerland with an axe to the head by the love of his life Lucretia who was dressed in a Bear suit, and was wielding the same axe Jörg had used to kill her father with in 1626. Jenatsch's body was exhumed in 1959, his skull split in two and remnants of his bloodied clothes hanging from his skeleton. 27 years later Daniel Jenatsch was born.