Zweimal, einmal Zwei
Image for Zweimal, einmal Zwei

Sonntag, 15 Juni, 2014 - 20:00

Zweimal, einmal Zwei

Anthony Pateras
Gustavo Costa (Most People Have Been Trained To Be Bored)

15 Jun 2014 - 23:00

Einen Abend mit zwei Solo-Konzerten und Ein Duo im ausland.  

Von und mit:  Gustavo Costa (Schlagzeug), Anthony Pateras (Klavier) / Erkki Veltheim (Geige), und Alexander Garsden (guitarre) 

An Evening with two solo concerts and a duo in ausland...

from and with:  Gustavo Costa (drums), Anthony Pateras (piano) / Erkki Veltheim (violin), and Alexander Garsden (guitar)


Percussionist and composer Gustavo Costa is a longstanding figure in Portugal's music scene; since the early 90´s he has wandered the fields of grind core, experimental and contemporary music, free jazz or electroacoustics,  performing in the United States, Lebanon, Japan and Europe with or under the direction of artists like Damo Suzuki, John Zorn, Christian Marclay, Jamie Saft, Alfred 23 Harth, Barbez, Carlos Zíngaro, Steve Mackay, Mark Stewart, Massimo Pupilo and Adolfo Luxúria Canibal.

He studied classical percussion, music technology, sonology and composition with Miguel Bernat, Clarence Barlow, Konrad Boehmer, Dimitris Andrikopoulus and Frederick Gifford, and attended masterclasses and short term courses with Fritz Hauser, Kroumata Percussion Ensemble, Kaaija Saariaho, Jonathan Harvey and Wolfgang Mitterer. Gustavo Costa explores his interests in the area of contemporary music practice, employing sources such as percussive objects, prepared piano and electronic synthesis in a body of work influenced by Iannis Xenakis and Giacinto Scelsi, but also by the political commentary of Crass and Dead Kennedys.


Anthony Pateras Is an Australian pianist, composer and electroacoustic musician. His work is best described as a simultaneous investigation of the formalized, intuitive, electronic and acoustic. Aside from writing numerous compositions for diverse instrumentations, he has performed worldwide in multiple bands and projects since the late 90s. More:


Erkki Veltheim is a composer, improviser and performer. He is a member of Elision ensemble and the Australian Art Orchestra, and has also played with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, Australian Chamber Orchestra, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra and Ensemble Modern (Frankfurt).  As an improviser, he has worked with Paul Grabowsky, Anthony Pateras, John Rodgers, Jon Rose, Scott Tinkler, Phil Slater, Han Bennink and Wadada Leo Smith.


Alexander Garsden is a composer, guitarist and electro-acoustic musician based in Melbourne, Australia.  His solo performances elaborate on his research into intonation systems accommodating spectral composites, re-conceiving and applying pure harmonic relationships through precise instrumental microtonality, extended technique and electro-acoustic media.  More:

As part of the series biegungen im ausland

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