The Understated Brown with Horns
Image for The Understated Brown with Horns

Freitag, 07 Mai, 2010 - 21:00

The Understated Brown with Horns

The Understated Brown
Antoine Chessex
Robin Hayward

The Understated Brown with Horns

The Understated Brown
Tom Meadowcroft - Orgel, Altsaxophon
Boris Hauf - Synthesizer, Tenor- und Baritonsaxophon
Steve Heather - Schlagzeug, Vibraphon

The Horns
Stu Krause - Althorn, Ventilposaune und Waldhorn
Antoine Chessex - Tenorsaxophon
Hilary Jeffrey - Posaune
Robin Hayward - Tuba

TUB sind zurück um wiedereinmal Classic Rock zu einem unfassbaren nächsten Level zu bringen. Nach den wundervollen 'TUB with Strings' Konzerten der letzen Jahre wird TUB nun neues akustisches Terrain beschreiten, mit einer, wohlbemerkt exklusiv besetzen, Horn Section. Begleiten Sie TUB bei diesem speziellen, gewaltigen Abend mit dem vollen Sound der Hörner, Orgeln und Schlagzeuge : TUB with Horns.


TUB's inimitable drone pieces performed with organ, synthesizers, drums and percussion promise to be a heady mixture of classic rock and good old fashioned psychedelia. brown


The Understated Brown
Tom Meadowcroft - organ, altosax
Boris Hauf - synths, tenorsax, baritone sax
Steve Heather - drums, vibraphone

The Horns

Stu Krause - tenor horn, valve trombone and french horn
Antoine Chessex - tenor sax
Hilary Jeffrey - trombone
Robin Hayward - tuba

TUB are back, and once again they are taking classic rock to the next level. After their series of successful 'TUB with Strings' concerts in recent years, TUB will now move into new sonic terrain with a guest four piece horn section.
So Please join TUB for this very special, powerhouse evening filled with the rich sounds of horns, organs and drums that is 'TUB with Horns'.


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