Umlaut Festival Berlin 2012
Image for Umlaut Festival Berlin 2012

Freitag, 17 Februar, 2012 - 20:00

Umlaut Festival Berlin 2012

Burkhard Beins
Burkhard Beins
Derek Shirley
Pierre-Antoine Badaroux
Félicie Bazelaire
Sébastien Beliah
Joris Rühl
Didier Lasserre
François Michel

Ensemble Hodos plays Cage, Wolff & Corner
Pierre-Antoine Badaroux - saxophone
Félicie Bazelaire - cello
Sebastien Beliah - double bass
François Michel - guitar
Joris Rühl - clarinet

The main idea of this program is to present a reading of the American experimentalists lineage, through the figure of John Cage (1912-1992) as a teacher and mentor for two other american musicians: Philip Corner (1933-) and Christian Wolff (1934-). They both have been digging, in their own way, paths opened by John Cage: Corner giving a special concern to freedom to the performer in his scores, while not giving up expressivity, and Wolff looking more towards the social implications of the music making. The pieces presented are covering the very large period of 1968-2006. Interested in having a creative approach to the repertoire, the Ensemble Hodos will present their own reading of these uncommon and rarely performed pieces.

John Cage – Four6 (1992 - 30min)
Christian Wolff – Microexercices (2006 - 15min)
Christian Wolff – Pairs (1968 - 10min)
Philip Corner – TBC (10min)

Didier Lasserre - sur quelque surfaces vacantes
Didier Lasserre - percussion

Farther along academicisms, sectarianisms and programmed violence, Didier Lasserre is a rare musician in every sense (witness his works and performances, often limited to limited editions and featuring a single cymbal and drum): a poet and a painter of the drums (both literally and figuratively), and a gourmet for idiophones, for a music which is “the unexpected and the revelatory, the daughter of moment and eternity” (Pierre Lemarchand)
Philippe Carles, Le nouveau dictionnaire du Jazz.

Burkhard Beins & Derek Shirley
Burkhard Beins - synthesizer, live electronics
Derek Shirley - bass synthesizer

Well known for their acoustic work as percussionist / double bassist in groups like Activity Center, Phosphor, Hotelgäste and Obliq, these two Berlin Improvisors give a rare electroacoustic duo performance.

9/6€, doors open 20:00, concert starts 21:00


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