the ultra trash free jazz band + Trio BassX3
Image for the ultra trash free jazz band + Trio BassX3

Samstag, 26 Februar, 2011 - 22:00

the ultra trash free jazz band + Trio BassX3

Pierre Borel
Clayton Thomas
Gebhard Ullmann
Chris Dahlgren

26 Feb 2011 - 23:59


The ultra trash free jazz band aus frankreich with Pierre Borel (sax), Yann Joussein (drums) and Joachim Florent (double bass).

This band is undoubtedly going to be as the name suggest it to be...

With now berlin based Pierre Borel, also part of the Umlaut crew, and parisians Yann Joussein and Joachim Florent who are both very active on the French improvised scene, playing in renowned festival for improvised and contemporary jazz music, as well as very underground places. The three of them have a very energetic playing, with rock, sometimes metal, if not heavy metal, influences.

Trio Bassx3: Clayton Thomas (double bass and objects), chris dahlgren (doublebass and objects), gebhard ullmann (bass clarinet and bass flute)

This is a worldwide unique trio located on the lower end of the tonal range of improvised chamber music. all three are well known improvisers and composers and their first cd entitled "bassX3" has been released on drimala records in 2005.


since 2009 the trio has a new line-up and is about to record the second cd.


This event will be streamed.

As part of the series biegungen im ausland

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