Toulemonde Palier Wright / Rivière
Image for Toulemonde Palier Wright / Rivière

Mittwoch, 08 November, 2006 - 22:30

Toulemonde Palier Wright / Rivière

Olivier Toulemonde (acoustic set)/Agnes Palier (voice)/Jack Wright (saxophones)
Arnaud Rivière (mixing board)

Over a thread, the breath. Simple matter, organic, mineral,
vulnerable. Digging, kneading, skimming, letting live. The body, the gesture, in order to explore, the space of the moment, the movement of the objects, of the voice, in the air.

Over the past twenty-five years Jack Wright has been a bold saxophonist, as well as an influential musical personality. Either on tour or organizing the next one, he has played in virtually every venue available to experimental improvised music in the US. He toured in Europe extensively in the 1980's and began again on a regular basis in 2000; in Europe, he is mostly based in Paris.
In 1982 Wright began Spring Garden Music as a vehicle for organizing an improvisational music community, and as a label on which he and his partners record. As a musical explorer, his music passes through radical shifts of style and approach from one year to the next, yet always somehow identifiable as his own. These days he is playing mostly alto and soprano saxophones, in every possible direction, sometimes barely recognizable as those instruments. He lives in Easton Pennsylvania, which enables him to commute easily to NYC and Phila.

Arnaud Rivière



As part of the series biegungen im ausland

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