timeless 10 — Corvo Festival | Day 2

Sonntag, 13 September, 2020 - 19:00

timeless 10 — Corvo Festival | Day 2

Location: Theater im Delphi

10 Years of Corvo Records Berlin

Berlin based Sound Art label Corvo Records is celebrating its 10th anniversary.
The timeless 10 Corvo Festival will have a focus on voice research, graphic notation and re-interpretation of the catalogue.
Initially planned as a festival weekend at ausland, timeless 10 had to be relocated to Theater im Delphi due to the limited capacities and restrictions in context of the covid19-pandemia.

You can find all info about the second festival day here: www.theater-im-delphi.de

Tickets are available through Delphi's webshop only: www.delphi.reservix.de

Schedule for tonight:

Stonesound / It's not a hit, it's a demand
Gilles Aubry
Performance for live electronics

It's not a hint, it's a demand
Gilles Aubry
Site specific live performance (Field Recordings, Feedbacks)

Corvo Remix
Turntables performance

- break -

Elena Kakaliagou - french horn, voice
Ingrid Schmoliner - prepared piano, voice

In cooperation with: Monat der Zeitgenössischen Musik Berlin
Funded by: Initiative Neue Musik Berlin - Bezirksamt Pankow von Berlin, Fachbereich Kunst und Kultur - Mariann-Steegmann-Stiftung
Kindly supported by: Österreichisches Kulturforum Berlin

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