Image for time:gap

Samstag, 03 Mai, 2014 - 20:30


Photo Credit:  Daniel Barth (


Stéphane Rives (soundscape)  |  Philippe Rives (performance)

"Nothing is sovereign that on a condition; to have no efficiency of the power, which is action, primacy of the future over the present moment, primacy of the Promised Land. Undoubtedly, to not fight for destroying a cruel opponent is the hardest, it is to offer itself to the death. To support without betraying itself, it is necessary to lead a battle without reluctances, austere and anguished: it is the only one to maintain this delirious purity, never bound to the logical intention, always in an awkward position in the gearings of the action…"

(Jean Bataille on Kafka, ‘La littérature et le mal’)


During the past years, the Rives brothers have been exploring different artistic fields and developing their own respective language.

Coming back together on the project time:gap, they appear to have much in common, to share and merge their unique worlds, whether on an artistic or philosophic level.

For 50 minutes, images, noises, sounds, body, movements will collide in an undefined process, an experience structured by the timelessness. 



Philippe is a performer, choreographer, performance and concept designer for about 20 years. Coming from body theatre, he learnt different techniques of body works including acrobatics, mime, chinese martial arts, body theatre, african dance, mask, voice, clown. His major sources and influences come from Antonin Artaud, Eugenio Barba, Yves Lorelle, Sankai Juku, Jacques Lecoq. His all family is composed of artists, who worked together for a decade in the 90's. Since living in Berlin, he has come to know the world of contemporary dance and contact improvisation better and has also been influenced by the principles of Butoh dance. He has developed a unique and specific approach of movement and gesture based the slow-motion skill which has led him to create performances and concepts essentially based on the experience of time and space. His work is mainly focused on instant process, even in a ready made work, whatever for indoor, outdoor or site specific contexts it is.

In 1998 he founded the "BK Compagnie", and, later in 2009, the "reset dance I connection" group, with Peter Müller. He is currently developing projects with Ilana Reynolds and his brother, Stephane Rives. He toured in different countries across Europe, Asia, South America and the UAE.


Stéphane is a musician and sound engineer. He first studied classical music and since twenty years dedicated himself to the saxophone and improvised and experimental music. As a saxophonist, his work concerns the evolution of contemporary instrumental sound. He is also playing analog devices and laptop based on the diffusion of his recordings taken from environmental sounds. He composes for contemporary dance and performers. As a sound engineer he works for the cinema and sound restoration archives. He played in Europe, the USA and the Middle East. These days he is part of different projects with Philippe Rives, Lotus Edde Khouri, Jean-Luc Guionnet, Frederic Nogray, Fadi Tabbal.




As part of the series Place Rhythm. Pulse

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