Sosa / Vaccaro / Maggiore / deVega
Image for Sosa / Vaccaro / Maggiore / deVega


Donnerstag, 29 September, 2011 - 21:00

Sosa / Vaccaro / Maggiore / deVega

Rogelio Sosa (MEX. Guitar / Electronics)

Rogelio Sosa was born in Mexico City in 1977. His work explores a wide range of aspects that deal with sound morphology, structures of auditory reference, intensification of the acoustic space and performativity. His projects include solo and collective improvisations, music compositions, sound actions and sound installations. All of these are produced using various kinds of electronic media.
He started studying musical composition with Julio Estrada and then electroacoustic music at the Ateliers UPIC and IRCAM in Paris. Later he pursued a master degree in Music and Technology at the Paris 8 University. Since his return to Mexico City in 2004 his work has focused in experimental music and sound art.
His music has been released in Sub Rosa, Important Records and Mode Records among others. Sosa has received prizes and distinctions from the SCRIME and IMEB Contests in France, the Luigi Russolo Contest in Italy, the EAR Electroacoustic Music Contest in Hungary and the FONCA, Nuevas Resonancias, Visiones Sonoras and Centro Multimedia - CENART Contests in Mexico.


Mario de Vega (MEX / D. Raw electronics)

Mario de Vega was born in Mexico City in 1979. His work overlaps relations between stability, failure, simulation and ambiguity with site-specific interventions, sound events, electronic devices, process-oriented projects and sculpture.
As improviser, his practice explores the value of fragility & in-determination involving a wide range of customized objects, analog and modified electronics, turntables and computer based interfaces in different combinations performing solo or in collaboration with several musicians.  
His work has appeared in different contexts throughout Europe, Mexico, United States, Canada, Japan, Korea, Russia and South America. Works and lives in Berlin and Mexico City.


Luciano Maggiore (IT. Revox / Electronics)

Luciano Maggiore (Palermo 1980) lives and works in Bologna.
Musician and filmmaker, he develops immersive experiences in which ephemerality, illusion and monumentality coexist, contributing to the creation of perceptual displacements.
Luciano Maggiore's music is strongly related to the use of magnetic tapes as well as of various kinds of electrical devices. His performances are characterized by a strong impact in terms of volume and quantity of information which is created by the interaction between speakers, ear and architecture.
Beauty, contemplation, relationship between sound and architecture, acoustic illusions, improvvisation, continuum, concrete and electroacoustic music are the pivotal points of his practice along with a multitude of unsaid concepts which emerge progressively from his performances.
He collaborates with the curatorial network Xing and is one of the founders of Sant'Andrea degli amplificatori (a small and secret venue for contemporary music).
He works or worked, among others, with Angstarbeiter, Auriga, Francesco Fuzz Brasini, John Duncan, Andrew L. Hooker, Domenico Grenci, Sara Pantoli, Dominique Vaccaro, Virgilio Villoresi, Zapruder Filmmakersgroup, Zimmerfrei, Enrico Malatesta, Seijiro Murayama.
His works have been released by Incudine Records, Palustre, Radical Matters and Boring Machines.


Dominique Vaccaro (IT. Tapes / Electronics)

Dominique Vaccaro is mainly focused on collage in a broad meaning of the term, extending the field of action from the visual to include sound. Self-taught musician, he has experimented for years with the various possibilities of magnetic tape mixing short waves, field recordings, voice, guitars and other instruments, objects, feedback and all kind of residual sound. His approach to all of these is emotive, intimate and instinctive, flowings of sonic improvisation alternating frenetic phrases with calm, delicate moments. He has composed music for videos, performances as well for theatre.



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