Royal Comfort /// David Necchi
Image for Royal Comfort /// David Necchi

Freitag, 11 September, 2015 - 21:00

Royal Comfort /// David Necchi

amSTARt präsentiert:

Oska Wald + ( of Chuckamuck )
Jimmy Trash +
Big Daddy Mugglestone  ( )
= Anarchie und Tradition!
live-snippet @ youtube

Swamp, Blues, Hobo, Liedermacher
live-video @ youtube

+ DJ Sigourney Skywalker!

Doors 21:00, start 22:00.

concert@facebook | pre-sale/VVK@koka36

Royal Comfort
, die Supergroup aus den Sümpfen Berlins: Oska Wald, Jimmy Trash und Big Daddy Mugglestone, und ihr Crooner-Rock'n'Roll-Wahnsinn trifft auf David Necchi und seinen alternative-Hobo-Blues in deutsch als Fremdsprache!

Royal Comfort began as a street music project by a pubescent Oska Wald and a freshly migrated Jimmy Trash all of 9 years ago.
The band was a rough and tumble folk punk band that used to entertain tourists for cash and also an excuse learn some of our favourite old-time-religion standards and classics on guitars, melodicas and balalaikas.


After both Jimmy and Oska moved on to more electric and professional projects, they both missed the loose improvisations and story telling warmth of these songs. Add to this their new relationship with the incredible talents of country superstar and drummer extraordinaire Big Daddy Mugglestone, and the Royal Comfort project is ready for a radiant and inspired rebirth.


Mixing the rapscallion rag that the young Jimmy Trash and Oska Wald used to get away with,
with the inspiration of the heaviest country, soul and folk songwriters they have been touched by over the years, permutating into an intimate, americana inspired session of new songs and originals, continuations of folk themes, melancholic and  bawdy rumpus numbers.

David Necchi ist ein in Berlin lebender Songwriter, Dichter und Schriftsteller.
Nach einigen Jahren unterwegs, als Blues- und Folksänger an Strassenecken zwischen Lissabon und Istanbul, begann Necchi seine eigenen Texte und Gedichte zu vertonen
Sein erstes Album Hobo Blues/ Die Wasserkopfbombe tönt vom Reisen, Verschwinden, mal Liedermacherfolk, mal Blues. In seinen letzten Arbeiten mit dem Projekt "Schwarze Haarzunge" versuchte er sich an experimentelleren Formaten zwischen Dadaistischen Sprechtexten, expressionistischen Collagen und tanzbaren Angstzuständen. David Necchi arbeitet zur Zeit an seinem zweiten Soloalbum "Die nackte Angst hat die Hosen voll"

After playin the streets around europe for some years, David Necchi slackened his pace to put his poetry into songs.
You get blues inspired folk and Liedermacher, Songs auf deutsch on "Hobo Blues /Die Wasserkopfbombe".
His latest and more experimental work was with the project "Schwarze Haarzunge"
His Blues and New Orleans roots you hear on "Polvera Negra"

- mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Musicboard Berlin -


As part of the series amSTARt

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