Samstag, 07 Juni, 2014 - 20:30
Reidemeister Move + AnimalNacht
Felicity Mangan
Christopher Williams
Robin Hayward
Ute Wassermann
Felicity Mangan
Olaf Hochherz
Reidemeister Move
"Vaguer Parts"
Robin Hayward – microtonal tuba, Hayward Tuning Vine
Christopher Williams – double bass
Olaf Hochherz - Synthesizer
Ute Wassermann - Voice and Birdwhistles
Felicity Mangan - Fieldrecordings
Reidemeister Move is Christopher Williams, contrabass, and Robin Hayward, tuba, a duo dedicated to exploring and expanding the possibilities of sustained-tone music in just intonation for their instruments. Hayward's self-designed microtonal tuba developed together with the instrument manufacturers B&S, and Williams' previous work with Charles Curtis and LaMonte Young's legendary Theatre of Eternal Music, provide the backbone for a performance practice based on purely tuned intervals, noise, corporeal rhythms, and spatial resonance.
AnimalNacht is a project of usually four, but tonight only three artists exploring the mimesis and play back of animal sounds through voice, instrument, computer music and field recordings. AnimalNacht explores the unknown area of human, animalistic and computer sounds in various spatial and acoustic situations. Trumpet & conch, voice & birdcalls, computer and fieldrecordings create various sound hybrids.
Doors: 8.30 pm
Concert start 9.00 pm

As part of the series biegungen im ausland