outdoor stage: Cotten, Kammerer, Mukarji, Thörn...
Image for outdoor stage: Cotten, Kammerer, Mukarji, Thörn...

Samstag, 28 Juli, 2012 - 15:30

outdoor stage: Cotten, Kammerer, Mukarji, Thörn...

28 Jul 2012 - 21:00

... save the date:On this 2nd day of ausland's sommerloch festival, there'll be outdoor concerts & readings to be enjoyed in the yard of Lychenerstr. 60 throughout the afternoon and evening - along with cool drinks, sunshine and Pandita's choice of tunes.  Programme already starts at about 16:00 Uhr (!) in the afternoon, featuring: Ann Cotten & Sebastian Unger (poetry reading), Margareth Kammerer (songs), the duo Carl Lindh & Pär Thörn (electronics improvisation), Tisha Mukarji (Tuning #1 / composition) & Todosch("Delaware" / songs).Come and celebrate 10 years of ausland with us...

 In case of bad weather, concerts and readings take place inside the venue at the same time.Fee  9 EUR.

Ann Cotten is an american-austrian author based in Berlin. Her latest publications were "Florida-Räume" (2010) and, as co-author, "Helm aus Phlox" (2011).

Sebastian Unger is an author born in Berlin. He studied at Leipzig's institute for literature and in 2011 he won the poetry prize of the 19th Open Mike at Literaturwerkstatt Berlin. He lives in Berlin.


Margareth Kammerer is a vocalist and composer in the Berlin experimental music scene, best known for her compositions melting classical and contemporary poetry, guitar and voice. She has collaborated as both a composer and performer with filmmakers, video artists, theaters, dance ensembles and musicians both locally and internationally.


Lindh/Thörn is a Malmö/Berlin based duo that improvises with tape recorders, radio and hearing aid-devices and moves between found sounds, sine waves, field recordings, prepared speakers, silence and feedback. Carl Lindh is an artist and musician. He runs Signal - Center for contemporary art and the publishing house In Edit Mode Press in Malmö. Pär Thörn is an author and musician. He resides in Berlin. He is also active in duos together with among others Leif Elggren and Martin Küchen.


Tisha Mukarji is a pianist, composer and artist. She holds an M.F.A from the Malmö Art Academy in Fine Arts and has performed and recorded her work extensively in Europe. Author of "Auscultation" (2010), CD releases on Creative Sourves Records ("D is for Din", 2006) and Another Timbre ("Endspace", 2008).

On today's outdoor stage, she will perform "Tuning #1 : Listening to Hertz",  a composition that takes as its basis the act of tuning the piano, with short and static repetitions from one key to the other. Except that the tuning during the performance is not meant to achieve a well tempered harmonic relationship but to follow the “wolf tones” that occur when things get slightly out of tune and the tones used to stabilize a correct tuning are changed.


Torsten Holger Schlopsnies aka Todosch hat in den 90ern in Hannover Bildhauerei studiert und als Meisterschüler von Horst Hellinger abgeschlossen. Seitdem arbeitet er als freischaffender Künstler in den Bereichen Objekt, Installation, Skulptur.  Nach intensiver musikalischer Zusammenarbeit mit der "Kapelle Wlodek" ("Aus glücklichen Tagen" / Trikont 99) ist T.S. in den "Hundetunnel" (Chicago) geraten und hat sich von einem klarverständlichen Text gänzlich verabschiedet. Nach der Selbstgebrannten "Jubelpark" von 2009 hat der "Schaschlik - Boogie" aber noch deutlich an Fahrt zugenommen und glänzt jetzt völlig renoviert in dem neuen Programm "Delaware". Nach wie vor begleitet von Banjo und Blechgitarre erhält T.S. spätestens mit diesen Stücken einen Ehrenplatz im Olymp der musikalischen Zumutungen. Zeitgleich mit der Veröffentlichung seiner "Sammlung ausdrucksstarker Pferdenamen"(SAP) ist ein Tonträger mit dem neuen Material geplant.



As part of the festival ausland sommerloch festival July 27th-29th 2012

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