Mario de Vega / Rogelio Sosa / Felicity Mangan
Image for Mario de Vega / Rogelio Sosa / Felicity Mangan

Sonntag, 15 März, 2015 - 21:00

Mario de Vega / Rogelio Sosa / Felicity Mangan

Felicity Mangan
Mario de Vega
Felicity Mangan

15 Mar 2015 - 23:00

Rogelio Sosa (electronics)
Mario de Vega (objects / electronics)
Felicity Mangan (handmade speakers)

doors 20:00, start 20:30

Rogelio Sosa is a musician, composer and sound artist. He is also a very active curator of experimental music in Mexico. Using a wide range of electronic tools, his work includes live performances, compositions and installations that develops in the fields of free improvisation, noise, electroacoustic music and sound art. Currently he is the Artistic Director of the Aural Festival now on its fifth edition and Music Director of the nobel Germinal Festival. His music has been released by labels such as Sub Rosa, Important and Mode Records and lately by Bocian. He has presented his work in more than 40 cities of America, Europe and Asia.

Mario de Vega. His work includes site-specific interventions, sculpture, publications and experiments in psychoacoustics that frequently push the limits of aural perception, using sound as a tool to confront experiences of vulnerability.
Working in the fields of sound and visual arts since 1999, de Vega often utilises the exhibition space as a springboard to reflect on the realities outside of the architectural environment. Using large-scale pyrotechnics, physical phenomena and vibration, his aims at agitation are an intrinsic part of the performative experience.
de Vega has exhibited and performed across Europe, Mexico, North America, South Africa, India, Russia, and Japan. Since 2008, he is based between Berlin and Mexico City.

Felicity Mangan is from Australia, living and working in Berlin, Germany since 2008. In different situations being solo performance, with other players or installation Felicity plays back sound samples from an Australian native animal CD, either through a stereophonic system or often via hand-made speakers made from re-cycled and displaced objects. Felicity has played in US, Japan, Australia and Europe in different formations.

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