Maria Chavez /// Alessandro Bosetti / Lou Mallozzi
Image for Maria Chavez /// Alessandro Bosetti / Lou Mallozzi

Dienstag, 10 September, 2013 - 20:30

Maria Chavez /// Alessandro Bosetti / Lou Mallozzi

Alessandro Bosetti
Lou Mallozzi

10 Sep 2013 - 21:00

Liebig12 in exile and brechungen im ausland present

Maria Chavez

(turntables, objects)

Maria Chavez was born in Lima, Peru. She´s mainly recognized in the art community as an improviser, curator and sound artist. Her sound installations, visual objects and live turntable performances focus on the values of accidents and it's unique, complicated possibilities with sound emitting machinery like the turntable. She wrote and illustrated her first book object entitled "Of Technique: Chance Procedures on Turntable." Maria also works as an independent sound art curator in NYC, collaborating with various organizations and art spaces, helping to produce events and festivals that present the latest of what is being shown in the sound art world.

Allessandro Bosetti & Lou Mallozzi

collaborating as artists in residence at Liebig12 they will perform a new piece this evening at ausland.

LOU MALLOZZI (b. 1957) is an audio artist in Chicago who dismembers and reconstitutes sound, language, gesture, and image in various media. He has presented works at numerous festivals, concerts, galleries, and broadcasts since 1986, including the Bludenz Festival for Contemporary Music (Austria), the TUBE Audio Art Series (Munich), Fylkingen (Stockholm), The Museum of Contemporary Art (Chicago). He has collaborated with numerous artists in these endeavors, including Sandra Binion, Michael Vorfeld, Mats Gustafsson, Jaap Blonk, Michael Zerang, and many others.

Alessandro Bosetti (born in 1973) is a composer, and sound artist. He focuses mainly on the musicality of the spoken language and unusual, sound-related aspects of verbal communication. Bosetti created numerous hybrid text-sound pieces to be performed live and award-wining radio compositions recorded and released on the labels specializing in experimental electronic music. In his pieces, he explores the fringe area between sound anthropology and composition, often including translation and misunderstanding, as important elements of the creative process.

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