Kakaliagou/Schmoliner + Okuda/Vandeweyer
Image for Kakaliagou/Schmoliner + Okuda/Vandeweyer

Freitag, 03 März, 2017 - 20:30

Kakaliagou/Schmoliner + Okuda/Vandeweyer

Elena Kakaliagou
Ingrid Schmoliner
Els Vandeweyer
Rieko Okuda

Kakaliagou / Schmoliner
Ingrid Schmoliner – prepared piano, voice
Elena Kakaliagou – french horn, voice

Metal Illusion
Rieko Okuda – piano, keyboard, viola, puppets, lights
Els Vandeweyer – vibraphone, trash guitar, puppets, lights

The duo Kakaliagou/Schmoliner was founded in February 2016 during their artist in residence at “artacts” in the “Alte Gerberei” in Tyrol / Austria. Their debut release “Nabelóse” which they composed and recorded at the “Alte Gerberei” will be released in March 2017. The compositions for this song cycle “Nabelóse” are influenced by alpine and greek folk music and have grown to new compositions – through the expanded playing techniques on the piano, horn and voice. Also the two artists have known each other for many years, and besides their trio PARA, which has been founded in 2011, they are active in a variety of ensembles in the fields of improvised – experimental – contemporary music, folk music and free jazz.This contemporary song cycle will be coming out in collaboration with the artist Wendelin Büchler and the in Berlin based Label Corvo Rrecords. It will be a handnumbered collection.

Metal Illusion is a duo where the performers both play the music and create the visuals. The original idea of Metal Illusion is that searching for objects which make sounds and showing physical movements at the same time. In order to create story lines, the use of installations, puppets, and costumes are the important role in their performance. There is an incredible number of possibilities to research how movements influence sounds and how sounds influence movements/images. This is the reason why they can take the audience into the illusinal journey of lights, figures, and the shadow of metallic objects, and sounds.
Metal Illusion is Els Vandeweyer and Rieko Okuda. Although Vandeweyer and Okuda grew up in other, far away parts of the world, there is a lot of common background in their life stories. For example, they both started music education in their early age, spent a huge part of their life with intensively playing jazz, and both came to Berlin since they were attracted by its music scene. Their first real band together is the trio MIMOSA with the Norwegian singer Natalie Sandtorv.  Last year, Vandeweyer got a grant from the Berlin senate for recording her movie. In this movie, Okuda helped a lot with the visuals and that's how this new project started.

Doors: 8.30 pm
Concert start: 9.00 pm

supported by

As part of the series biegungen im ausland

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