Golem Mecanique + Duo Kocher/Badrutt
Image for Golem Mecanique + Duo Kocher/Badrutt

Mittwoch, 12 Oktober, 2011 - 22:00

Golem Mecanique + Duo Kocher/Badrutt

Golem Mecanique
Jonas Kocher
Gaudenz Badrutt

Jonas Kocher, accordion
Gaudenz Badrutt, electronics

The two swiss musicians collaborate for many years in different formations for improvised music (a.o. with Hans Koch, Bertrand Gauguet, Olivier Toulemonde, Michel Doneda). The duo develops a subtil work that explores the relations between the very electronic sounds of the accordion and the instrumental potential of the electronic. They create a fragmented and tensed sound univers, always open to the present and the accidents.


"A key will be my home ..." ..
The newly born mechanical hides and conceads in the sounds that disseminate and spread out all over the walls, the shears, wearing her armor of self-taught automaton.
The creature is no more made of clay but feedbacks and loves to cut its little voice into a ghost of itself.

Einlass: 21:00 Uhr
Beginn: 22:00 Uhr pünktlich

Im Rahmen von ohrenstrand.net

As part of the series biegungen im ausland

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