Samstag, 07 Oktober, 2017 - 21:30
Ercklentz/Wassermann + Thembi Soddell
Sabine Ercklentz
Ute Wassermann
Sabine Ercklentz
Thembi Soddell
Ercklentz & Wassermann
Sabine Ercklentz – trumpet, electronics
Ute Wassermann – voice, electronics
Thembi Soddell: Love Songs – sampler
Die beiden Performerinnen Sabine Ercklentz und Ute Wassermann sind visuell und akustisch vernetzt mit Mundlautsprechern, Talkbox und Speaker-Dämpfer. Ihre Interaktion mündet in ein verwirrendes Zusammenspiel im Feld von Sprache, Artikulation und reinem Klang. Die australische Klangkünstlerin Thembi Soddell arbeitet an den Schnittstellen von Musique concréte und der akusmatischen Tradition. Ihr kompositorischer Ansatz macht sich auch extreme Lautstärken zunutze, mit denen sie Intensität und unberechenbare, suggestive und manchmal auf beunruhigende Sound-Environments evoziert.
Ute Wassermann is known as a vocal soloist and composer/performer for her extraordinary, many-voiced and extreme vocal sound-language, which she has brought into experimental/contemporary music in diverse ways. She has developed techniques to “mask” the voice using birdcall-whistles, palate whistles or resonant objects, and designs sound-installations. A particular interest is the development of compositions for spaces with unusual acoustic qualities.
Sabine Ercklentz first studied law at the FU Berlin before she turned to the trumpet at the Hochschule für Musik Hanns-Eisler, Berlin. She lives and works in Berlin as a composer, musician and performer. Her works often stretch the borders of music and challenge the definition of genres. She frequently collaborates with other artists.
Ercklentz & Wassermann have been collaborating since long, for example in the group Les Femmes Savantes. Now they are presenting their duo in which they are connected via speakers or talkbox, resulting in an interactive and confusing sound and language performance.
Thembi Soddell (b.1980) is an Australian sound artist, electroacoustic composer and practice-led researcher whose work pushes the boundaries of musique concréte and the acousmatic tradition. Her primary instrument is the sampler, which she uses to manipulate field recordings, instrument textures, played found objects and analogue synthesis into ambiguous and cathartic expressions of psychological experience. Her distinct approach to composition exploits dynamic extremes, creating volatile, evocative sound environments with a disquieting edge. These reflect her longstanding interests in psychology, perception, extreme emotion and the subjectivity of experience in their relation to intense encounters with sound.
At biegungen im ausland she presents, in near darkness, her Love Songs, a 34-minute electroacoustic composition in five continuous movements: 1.Object (im)Permanence / 2.Erasure / 3.Repetition Compulsion / 4.Who is to Blame? / 5.Epilogue This work has been composed by Thembi Soddell using sounds sampled from Alice Hui-Sheng Chang (voice), Jim Denley (flute), Emah Fox (voice), Cat Hope (electric bass), Martin Kay (field recordings) and Thembi Soddell (objects).
Kindly supported by Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa
Presented by Digital in Berlin
Doors: 8.30 pm
Concert start: 9.00 pm

As part of the series biegungen im ausland