Aymeric Hainaux + Cantenac Dagar

Sonntag, 11 Mai, 2014 - 20:30

Aymeric Hainaux + Cantenac Dagar

11 May 2014 - 23:59

Aymeric Hainaux

Aymeric Hainaux is a visual artist, musician and extraordinary vocal performer. Traveller,  mainly hitchhiking. For his intense corporeal performances he uses  a  kind  of  beatboxing style, but ends up with sound signatures that relate much more to abstract electronic music, drone, glitch and noise than to hiphop. Besides his own body, breath and voice, the only extras he uses are a microphone, some harmonicas, accordion, bells and echo pedal. No loop, live action only! His music comes literally from the within, with a demanding brut emergency, that is at the same time fragile and extremely attentive – voice, breath, muscle tension, movements, heartbeats and sudden outbursts of sound are celebrating the  living  and  the  immediacy  of  the present  moment. Hainaux has repeatedly been awarded in the French Beatbox Championship.    

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Cantenac Dagar

Instrumental duet from France (banjo, cassette player, bells, human beatbox).
Soft and noisy music with a subtle touch of post-industrial rhythms in constant energy till the end. Two artists whose live practice is essentially driven by the breath and the present moment. Brut and noisy jewel, Cantenac Dagar's music comes literally from the within. The anonymous duet combines influences from drone/ambiant, soundtracks for contemporary dancers, beatboxing and improvised-noise.



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