Allemano/Kaufmann/Weber + Card Castle
Image for Allemano/Kaufmann/Weber + Card Castle

Samstag, 14 Februar, 2015 - 21:30

Allemano/Kaufmann/Weber + Card Castle

Lina Allemano
Achim Kaufmann
Christian Weber
Antonis Anissegos
Mike Majkowski
Christian Marien

Lina Allemano - trumpet
Achim Kaufmann - piano
Christian Weber - bass

Card Castle
Antonis Anissegos - piano
Mike Majkowski - bass
Christian Marien - drums

Canadian trumpeter Lina Allemano's new international collaboration with fellow improvisers, German pianist Achim Kaufmann and Swiss bassist Christian Weber, was formed in early 2014. The group has performed in Berlin, Wiesbaden DE, and Ulrichsberg AT. Drawing from a rich multidimensional sound palette, the transatlantic trio seek to explore sonic possibilities with a collective openheartedness and an uninhibited depth of character and expression.

Card Castle is a new piano trio, starting right after the end of the Mayan calendar. The trio’s name is an anagram of Kurt Vonnegut’s title of the novel “Cat’s Cradle” from 1963, that describes the end of our civilization by dropping the bomb “ice-nine”.

Supported by INM - initiative neue musik Berlin e. V.

Doors: 8.30 pm
Concert start 9.00 pm


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As part of the series biegungen im ausland

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