Alessandro de Francesco & Paolo Ingrosso (IT): 'Ridefinizione - reading environment' (Printemps des Poètes-Festival)

Samstag, 14 März, 2009 - 21:00

Alessandro de Francesco & Paolo Ingrosso (IT): 'Ridefinizione - reading environment' (Printemps des Poètes-Festival)

14 Mar 2009 - 22:00



Der Dichter Alessandro de Francesco (*1981 in Pisa / derzeit Lyon) und der zeitgenössische Komponist und Gitarrist Paolo Ingrosso (*1980 in Pisa / derzeit Bologna) arbeiten bereits seit einigen Jahren in Auftritten vor Publikum und für Soundinstallationen (u.a. an der UdK Berlin im Juli 2006) zusammen. Am 14.März werden sie im ausland gemeinsam eine elektroakustische Liveperformance anbieten, die dem Ansatz nach sowohl das musikalische Solo als auch die Autoreneinzellesung mit dem Anspruch hinter sich lässt, beide Formen wirkungsästhetisch umeinander zu erweitern und gleichsam in einem qualitativ neuen, eigenständigen Kunstwerk zu konzentrieren.


The texts of Ridefinizione have been originally written in Italian by Alessandro and are now published in five languages in some 15 internationally renowned poetry reviews. In STEIM sessions the texts have been recorded (Shure condenser microphone, Fireface 800 audio
 hardware on Macintosh) live by Alessandro, Paolo and the Dutch artist Vincent W. J. van Gerven Oei, then processed by Paolo on a Max/MSP patch. This patch, conventionally called “pattern gate”, has been developed and implemented by Paolo specifically for Alessandro’s voice and way of reading. The purpose was to enhance the semantics of the
 texts trying to produce an advanced poetry–voice–machine live interaction device. This procedure is far away from “sound poetry” tradition, since the texts were previously written not to be performed. Moreover, Alessandro’s reading and Paolo’s treatments have to be conceived as a reading environment instead of a performance, that is to say an audio environment where the perception of poetry is
 the main aspect, much more than the performers themselves.




Alessandro De Francesco (1981) is an Italian poet, theorist and sound artist currently based in Lyon. He has published the book Lo spostamento degli oggetti, (Cierre Grafica / Anterem), which was also realized at STEIM as poetry reading with voice processing, and his texts are published in magazines worldwide. He realized several sound installations, lectures and electronic poetry readings in Italy, France, Estonia, Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, USA.
He teached poetry at École Normale Supérieure Lettres et Sciences Humaines (where he is also Ph.D. student) and European Graduate School (as visiting poet in 2008).



Paolo Ingrosso (1980) is an Italian composer, guitar player and electronic sound performer currently based in Bologna. He made his composition studies at the Conservatory of Bologna and specialized in electronic music at IRMUS and AGON in Milan. His scores are played by some important contemporary music ensembles and his music is released by Miraloop Records. As a composer and performer, he collaborates with FontanaMIX international association and has an intense teaching
activity. He collaborates with Alessandro’s electronic poetry projects since several years and in 2006 he realized, together with him and the architect Antonio Pisanò, the poetry reading environment sosta#1 at the Berlin University of the Arts.






In March 2009 the first Printemps des Poètes is going take place in Berlin. From 2nd to 15th March there will be poetic mini-activities and larger projects in many districts of Berlin. The idea comes from the French society Printemps des Poètes which propagates poetry: i.e. schooling of librarians and teachers, support with publication issuses for poets, archiving poetry and poetic activites. Each spring it calls for a festival of poetry with a given theme. The theme this year is „en rires“ („laughter“). Anyone can participate: the general public, pupils, societies, shops, cultural institutions. That is the aim: everyone becomes a poetry messenger.

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