Aki Onda / Akio Suzuki / Takehito Koganezawa
Image for Aki Onda / Akio Suzuki / Takehito Koganezawa

Akio Suzuki / Aki Onda

Donnerstag, 19 Juni, 2014 - 20:30

Aki Onda / Akio Suzuki / Takehito Koganezawa

Akio Suzuki
Aki Onda
Takehito Koganezawa

Akio Suzuki / Aki Onda / Takehito Koganezawa

Akio Suzuki - ANALAPOS, De Koolmees, stones, wood pieces, nails,
hammer, bottles etc.
Aki Onda - radios, microphones, amps, tape echo, cymbals, bottles,
silver bucket etc.
Takehito Koganezawa - video, projector, paper, light, etc.

Extraordinary Japanese sound artists Akio Suzuki and Aki Onda, who have been collaborating extensively recent years, and recently released their first album "ma ta ta bi" teams up with Berlin based visual artist Takehito Koganezawa. The three performers present three hours extended durational performance responds to the architecture of the performance space, with the audience free to move around.

Supported by INM and "festival bonn hoeren 2014 - stadtklangkunst":

Doors: 8.30 pm
Concert start 9.00 pm

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As part of the series biegungen im ausland

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