staubgold festival

Freitag, 12 November, 2004 - 23:00

staubgold festival

'Staubgold präsentiert: Tempo Technik Teamwork'

Arnold Dreyblatt + Konrad Sprenger
+ Staubgold Soundsystem

Minit is Jasmine Guffond and Torben Tilly formed in Sydney in 1997.
They use electronic, digital, sampling and mixing technologies to
manipulate recorded and "found" sound and to transcend conventional
instrumental approaches to musical composition.
From digitally deconstructed "songs" to expanded electro- acoustic
works, Minit explore and extend the sonic and musical thresholds of
acoustic instrumentation, producing hypnotic sonic habitats which
transform over time in subtle and hallucinatory ways.
From fragile harmonic and melodic intonations to towering, ecstatic
drones, erratic fragmented rhythms and electrical disturbances, Minit
explore the psychedelic moment within trance-like listening states when
all the sonic parts begin to slip in and out of cohesion. It is these
moments that gently fracture "listening" and signal what is rich and
unusual and experimental about Minit's whole musical project.
Minit are currently living and working in Berlin.

discography (selected):

"cc/bb" LP (Sigma Editions, 2000)
"music" CD (Sigma Editions, 1999)
"bootleg/four" 7" (Tonschacht, 1999)

Born: 1953, New York City; Son of: Gerald Dreyblatt and Lucille Wallenrod

State University College at New Paltz, New York, Graduated B.A.,1974.
Major: Communication Arts. Studies in Literature and Media Criticism
with I.J. Weiss; takes summer course in Electronic Music with Joel
Chadabe at the State University at Albany.
State University of Buffalo, New York; Graduated M.A. in Media Studies
1976; Video with Woody & Steina Vasulka, Employee at Media Study
Inc. Public Access Center. Intensive exposure to experimental film and
video scene. Attends „Summer in Buffalo" in Music Department for two
classes with Pauline Oliveros, Joel Chadabe, Morton Feldman and John
Cage. A number of Video Shows and first Sound Installation
("Beats") in Buffalo.

Moves back to New York and begins Composition Study and works as
Assistant and Tape Archivist for La Monte Young at his loft on Church
Street. Studies North Indian Classical Music. Has a one-man show of his
videotapes at Anthology Film Archives in New York.

Solo Video Show at Anthology Film Archives in Soho. Videotapes bought
by Collection of Donnell Library in New York. Works for Shigeko Kubota
as assistant for video program at Anthology, and for Kubota and Nam June
Paik privately. Then abandons video and begins intensive
experimentation in acoustics and instrument building at his loft on
Fulton Street. Performs with Cantonese Opera orchestra in Chinatown.
Develops interest in „one-string" instrument families. Studies one
semester of Uzbek language
at Columbia University. Meets Phil Niblock and regularly attend concerts and performances at his and other downtown lofts.

First Solo performance („Nodal Excitation") on „Excited Strings Double
Bass" at performance festival on Warren St. Receives Composition grant
from New York State Council on the Arts. Begins working at the Arts
Resource Center, an art program to bring practicing artists into the
school system in East Harlem, works with sound, music and video with
emotionally disturbed and retarded ghetto children for two years.

Founds first „Orchestra of Excited Strings" for performance at
Experimental Intermedia Foundation, successive concerts in other
downtown spaces. Applies and is admitted to Wesleyan University
Graduate Program in World Music in Middletown Ct., studies composition
with Alvin Lucier, forms second American ensemble, studies Chinese.
Receives M.A. in Composition in 1982. First record released by India
Navigation Records, 1982.

Returns to New York City at storefront in Brooklyn. Forms third
American Ensemble, performs in New Music America in Washington, D.C.
and numerous downtown spaces.

With grant from the Overbrook Foundation, tours Europe for 5 months,
including numerous solo performances in Germany, Holland and in Eastern
Europe, long stays in Budapest and travels in Romania. Decides to move
to Europe for one year after return to New York. Begins contact with
"Theater Zinnober" in East Berlin and underground art scenes in various East European cities.

Awarded studio in Künstlerhaus Bethanien in Berlin, forms first
European Ensemble which performs throughout Western and Eastern Europe.
Extensive travels in Eastern Europe and to Soviet Union where he
discovers a forgotten branch of his family. Alternates his time between
Berlin and Budapest. Buys "Who's Who" book in Istanbul in 1985. First
proposal for
the "Who's Who Opera" with Helmuth Danninger for the Deutsche Oper (fails).

Discovers first reference to "T". Ends first European Ensemble and
moves into an abandoned medieval house in Liège, Belgium and is
subsequently joined by American Artist Terry Fox, who moves next door.
Performance collaborations with Paul Panhuysen, Tibor Szemzö and Pierre
Berthet. Is
involved in presenting "found" photographic exhibition by Kardos Sandor
in Holland. Commissioned by Ars Electronica to produce "Die
Luftmenschen" with autobiographical images from the 1950?s.
Proposes the "Who's Who Opera" to Edek Bartz and Wolfgang Kos in
Vienna, who finally produce it in 1991.

Commissioned by René Block of DAAD Berlin Artist Program to create the
Hypertext Opera "Who's Who in Central & East Europe 1933". Forms
new music ensemble. Hires Fred Pommerehn as Stage and Lighting
Designer, along with a full technical staff. Opera premieres at
Inventionen '91
Festival, subsequent tour to Vienna, Munich and Dresden. Receives grant
from Kunstfonds e.V., Bonn, and travels to international archives
collecting documents on "T". Proposes first live reading project
utilizing the "Who's Who" text (unsuccessful) for an exhibition in
Kunsthalle Krems.

Exhibition of selected "T" Documents, "The Great Archive" and other
works at Galerie o zwei in Berlin. Proposes the first version of
"Memory Arena" for the Remise in Vienna (unsuccessful). With
Pommerehn installs the "Memory Arena" in the Kampnagel Fabrik in
Hamburg. Later versions follow in Munich (Marstall) and Copenhagen
(Arken Museum). Other smaller installations in Vienna, Istanbul,
Prague. CD on John
Zorn's Zaddik Label released. Disbands music ensemble. "Bang on a Can"
Ensemble commissions a composition which is subsequently peformed in
the U.S. and Europe.

Creates "Memory Project" in Amsterdam, developing projection and design
at Atelier Luca Ruzza in Rome. Collaboration with Jim O'Rourke in
Chicago, re-release of first recordings, additional historical
compilation CD follows. Teaches two semesters at Art Academy in
Berlin-Weißensee. Mother dies in New York. Marries Petra Schmidt in
Rome. Installation, "Aus den Archiven" opens in Berlin at the National
Galerie in Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum of Contemporary Art as part of
"Art in Germany in the Twentieth Century". Is awarded
"Förderungspreis 2000" in Visual Arts from Akademie der Kunste in
Berlin for the year
2000. Invited to and project chosen in competition for project in new Jewish Museum in Berlin (realization delayed).

Artist in Residence at the Center for the Arts, MIT, Boston. New music
ensemble formed in the U.S. for concerts in New York (Tonic) and Boston
(MIT). Ensemble is recorded for CD on Bang On A Can's Cantaloupe label.
Guest Professor at Art Academy in Saarbrücken. ReCollection Mechanism
Installation at Jewish Museum in New York, Ostia Antiqua, Rome, Italy.
Interactive Performance Installation project in Bern Bienale. Guest
professor at HbK Saarbrücken. Premiere of Octet for two String Quartets
in Saarbrücken.

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