joe + masters of domination

Sonntag, 03 Februar, 2008 - 22:30

joe + masters of domination

Joe Williamson

Joe Williamson - Bass (solo, singer-songwriter)

It has become quite commonplace that, since the solo albums from Peter Kowald, Barry Guy or William Parker, not only has the contrabass been emancipated, but also accepted as an equal instrument in improvisation, and recognized as a solo instrument. Nonetheless, solo bass recordings are considered unwieldy-one is simply too accustomed to perceiving the bass as an accompanying instrument, responsible for the solid foundation of the groove.


Joe Williamson is also an excellent soloist. The Ungrateful Carjacker is his solo debut - his entirely playful rich dark drones suddenly manifest themselves, as does a hidden groove, or a deep pulse that holds everything together. In the decisive moment, there are also suggestions of tradition. The Ungrateful Carjacker is a thoroughly rich record. It does not define bass playing anew, but accentuates it. Joe Williamson is able to overcome well known techniques and equally well known idioms. His improvisations are so sure of themselves, so round, that they have the character of compositions. - GROB Records



The Masters of Domination


Rico Repotente - git, Kai Lübke - dr, Denis Jabusch - bass, Niko Meinhold - hammond orgel


.. ich kenne Rico von großartigen Solo-Impro Gitarrenstücken,
gespielt in der Wohnung von Andrea Neumann und von der ebenso fantastischen Band Tipper Gore (mit Tony Buck und Joe Williamson). Und dann die graue Vorzeit im ACUD (Berlin 1999), als im Café des Hauses großartig intensive Jazzsession gespielt wurden. Kai Lübke und Denis Jabusch waren dort auch dabei. Was geht nun in 2008 ? .. Das wird heute im ausland zu hören sein, im ausland.



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