Sonntag, 02 Dezember, 2007 - 22:00

time shifts IV

time shifts IV

Arnold Dreyblatt (string instruments)
Konrad Sprenger (drums)

Thomas Ankersmit (alto saxophone)
Sven-Åke Johansson (drums)

time shifts is a concert series
consisting of 4 nights with 5 different constellations. each set brings
together so-called "old heroes" and "young stars" from the world of
experimental & improvised music. the selected artists come from
different generations (born in between 1942 - 1979) and various
stylistic backgrounds like noise, free folk, free jazz,
electro-acoustic improvisation, minimal music, avant pop, ....
idea was to invite artists who are all open to challenge and to break
down artistic boundaries. In the last 15 and more years the berlin
scene (similiar to scenes elsewhere) was constantly in danger of being
divided into many small & rivaling mini-fractions - little
sub-scenes which often acted with a lot of scepticism and competition
against each other. time shifts tries to work against this tendency and
wants to start a dialogue between seemingly opposed positions.

shifts is a co-production of Zangi Music Berlin & ausland and is
supported by "Initiative Neue Musik" Berlin e.V. & "Konzert des
Deutschen Musikrates"

(born 1979, Leiden, the Netherlands) is a musician and installation artist based in Berlin and Amsterdam. Initially an improvising saxophonist his activities expanded to include live electronic music and installation pieces based on architectural acoustics and infrasound. He has been performing solo and in collaboration with other artists such as New York minimalist Phil Niblock, Kevin Drumm, Jim O'Rourke, Gert-Jan Prins, Borbetomagus and Alvin Lucier since 1998. Since 2003, Ankersmit most frequently collaborates with Niblock and Milan-based electroacoustic improvisor Giuseppe Ielasi.
His saxophone work focusses on the abstract, timbral extremes of the instrument, combining sustained streams of intense mutiphonic sound with acoustically amplified micro-events occurring inside the instrument.
His electronic music combines realtime performance on analogue modular synthesizers with digital editing and multitrack recording.
Often working closely with engineers and scientists, his recent performances incorporate modular synthsizers and computers with prototype directional loudspeakers to create spots and corridors of sound and silence in three-dimensional space.
Ankersmit's few releases include a 3" solo CD, a CD-R with guest contributions by Kevin Drumm and a split LP with Jim O'Rourke.

Geb. 1943 in Mariestad (Schweden)
Komponist und Musiker, Poet und bildender Künstler, Autor und Initiator verschiedener Musikproduktionen, darunter "Die Harke und der Spaten" "Ueber Ursache und Wirkung der Meinungsverschiedenheiten beim Turmbau zu Babel" (zusammen mit Alexander von Schilppenbach).
Zahlreiche Ausstellungen, Buchpublikationen und nahezu 40 Platten-und CD-Einspielungen. Er war stilbildend innerhalb der freien europäischen Improvisationsmusik. Zusammen mit Alexander von Schlippenbach, Peter Kowald und Peter Brötzmann entwickelte er in den 60er Jahren eine europäische Version von Freejazz.
Langjährige Zusammenarbeit mit Manfred Schoof, Schlippenbach, Rüdiger Carl und Hans Reichel. Am bekanntesten ist er als virtuoser Schlagzeuger, aber er tritt auch als Sänger mit frei improvisierten Stücken auf.
Kompositionen u. a.: "Seewetter 69" (Radiohörstück im Auftrag von Deutschlandradio, 2001), sowie "Polis, Wachs und Pomade" (Kammerstück für Streicher, Bläser und Stimme), Kompositionsauftrag des SWR, Uraufführung: Donaueschinger Musiktage, 20.10.2001.
"MM" schäumend, 2003, Stereo für 8, 2005

Born 1953 in New York City
studied Composition and Ethnomusicology at Wesleyan University
(1988-82) and New Media and Electronic Arts the Center for Media Study,
State University of New York at Buffalo, 1974-76. Composition studies
with Alvin Lucier and La Monte Young; Video Art with Woody & Steina
Selected Installations and Performances since 1975:
Jewish Museum Frankfurt (2005); Academie der Kunste Berlin,
Stadtgalerie Saarbucken(2003); Bienale Bern, Jewish Museum New York
(2001); Hamburger Bahnhof Berlin, (1999-2000); Gallery Anselm Dreher
Berlin (2000, 2001, 2003); Felix Meritis Foundation / Erasmus
Foundation Amsterdam (1998); National Gallery Prague (1996); Jewish
Museum Vienna, Istanbul Festival, Arken Museum of Modern Art Copenhagen
(1996); Marstall Munich, Kampnagel Fabrik Hamburg (1995).
Selected Grants and Prizes:
Prize Visual Arts, Akademie der Kunste, Berlin (2000); Foundation for
Contemporary Performance Art, New York City (1998); Kulturfonds e.V.,
Berlin (1996); Bild-Kunst e.V., Bonn (1995); Kunstfonds e.V., Bonn
(1994); Philip Morris Kunst-Preis (1992) Munchen.
Selected Teaching Experience:
Guest Lecturer, Dept. of Cultural Studies, University of Luneburg
(2002-2004); Guest Professor, Academy of Art, Saarbrucken (2001-2003);
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge (2000)Guest Lecturer,
Academy of Art Berlin-Weiensee (1998-1999)
Selected Lectures and Workshops:
University, Mainz; Jewish Museum, New York (2003); Bauhaus Akademy,
Weimar (2002, 2004);, Academy of Art, Munich; Yale University, New
Haven; University of Utrecht; Clocktower, New York (1999); Summer
Theater Academy, Bochum (1998); Borderlands, Copenhagen; Berlin Salon
Documenta X(1997); Das Arts Amsterdam (1996); Institute for New Media,
Cologne (1995)
Selected Publications:
Inscriptions, Jewish Museum Frankfurt (2005); From the Archives,
Stadtgalerie Saarbrucken and Kehrer Verlag Heidelberg, 2003; Whos Who
in Central & East Europe 1933, Gerhard Wolf Janus Press (2001)
Selected Recordings:
The Adding Machine, Cantaloupe, New York (2001); The Sound of One
String, Table of the Elements, Atlanta, (1997); ?Nodal Excitation?,
Drag City, Chicago (1998); Animal Magnetism produziert von John Zorn,
Zaddik, New York, CD (1995).
Arnold Dreyblatt lives since 1984 in Berlin

Geb. 1977 Lahr.
Lebt seit 1998 in Berlin.
Konrad Sprenger ist Komponist, Musiker und Epileptiker. Seit 1999 arbeitet er mit Arnold Dreyblatt.
Er entwickelte Klanginstallationen für die Ausstellungsprojekte der Kunstgruppe Honey-Suckle Company (PS1, Sonar Festival, Cubitt Gallery, Kunsthalle Basel :"Non Est Hit", 10").
2001 hat er das Label choose gegründet und darauf verschiedene Projekte produziert und veröffentlicht, u.a. Robert Ashley & Walter Marchetti, Doc Schoko, Zen-Faschisten sowie die LP/ CD ORT in Zusammenarbeit mit Ellen Fullman.

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