SalmoSax & Laptoporchester

Sonntag, 10 Juni, 2007 - 22:00

SalmoSax & Laptoporchester

Katsura Yamauchi Solo(Oita/Japan)

Laptoporchester Berlin

Paula Matthusen "lathyrus"

(funded by Bezirksamt Pankow, Fachbereich Kultur)

Katsura Yamauchi,
who lives in Oita (Japan), has been an office-worker for over 20 years.
In 2003 he suddenly quitted his job, and since then he has
enjoyed composing unique music of his own without belonging to any
musical circles. Though he is already known to us as a highly competent
musician, he has lived his own life far and different from a city
life. He takes no practical needs whatever into his account. He
is really both a new and a veteran artist who takes a detached view of
the distance between his music and the actual world.
In the present situation of music, a free improvisation music seems to have established its various standard forms.
But I?d like to emphasize strongly that Yamauchi stands aloof from such a tendency.
(excerpts from a letter written by Otomo Yoshihide, after he met Katsura Yamauchi in Europe in 2003)

An Interview with Katsura Yamauchi
Short Biography of Katsura Yamauchi

katsura at home    katsura in the water

Laptoporchester Berlin plays: Paula Matthusen "lathyrus"

Alexander Augsten, Marek Brandt, Andrés G. Jankowski, Oliver Kiesow, Hendrik Kröz, Stephane Leonard, Shintaro Miyazaki, Nicolas Weiser - Laptops
Martin Klemmer - Klangregie
André Klein - Leitung

"lathyrus" is a structured,
improvisatory, game-like piece modeled much like the
choose-your-adventure books. The ensemble travels down various
'musical paths' in search of a suitable ending. Multiple endings
are possible. Some may be expected, others sudden, and still
others may be at times undesirable if not dangerous. The
performers self-organize, interrupting the navigation of the score,
until agreeing upon a path. Each musical choice is negotiated, a
balance between coherence and surprise.

Paula Matthusen
is a composer of acoustic and electroacoustic music based currently in
Brooklyn, NY. Her music has been performed by Alarm Will Sound,
International Contemporary Ensemble (ICE), orkest de ereprijs, Ballett
Frankfurt, noranewdanceco, Kathryn Woodard, Diesel Lounge Boys, and
Jody Redhage. She performs frequently with the electroacoustic
duo ouisaudei, Groundwave New Music Collective, xObject Collection, and
recently, winter company.

paula matthusen

The Berlin Laptop Orchestra
is the first executive ensemble of laptop musicians using notebooks as
instruments. In terms of contemporary audio art the Berlin Laptop
Orchestra interprets and de-constructs compositions from different
musical genres like Experimental Electronic Music, Electroacoustic
Music, Avantgarde / New Music, Classic and Modern Classic. The basic
idea behind the Berlin Laptop Orchestra is to create and to cultivate
an extensive repertoire of compositions that can be performed in a
number of various constellations.

laptoporchester berlin

As part of the series biegungen im ausland

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