SOPA DELICIOSA(DK,label night)

Freitag, 04 Mai, 2007 - 22:00

SOPA DELICIOSA(DK,label night)


a rendez-vous with the brand new delicious danish label SOPA
(Sound Of Perpetual Astonishment)



Rockband from Aarhus, Denmark, mixing in-your-face punk madness with influences from the traditional music of the Balkans



Behind 9 hides the exile italian and now "almost-berliner" Marco Brosolo.

With the nose of Ringo Starr, the hair of Laurie Anderson, the voice of Vito Corleone and the hands of Aphex Twin, 9's mastermind enchants with unusual and harmonic songs. He surprises his audience with an original mix of classic Beatles-like song-writing and an extraordinarily delicate electronic programming. The circle that 9 draws within music opens with an harmonious voice orchestration and closes with the touching and tickling warm side of synths.

9 "live" is performed with a changing ensemble of drums, bass, guitars, toy-piano, theremin (the strange musical instrument that you can hear in the song ?Good Vibrations? by the Beach Boys) and a variety of other unusual instruments.
In this way, the delicate songs receive a strong live support, not only touching the soul of the audience but also its dance-reflexes. Amazing visuals complete the wonderful experience of a 9-concert..



Animallovers a duo from Amsterdam,their first album was very well recieved by Dutch critics
their eclectic energetic minimalistic raw style speaks for itself, its nothing like kylie minouge..But if you ask them about kylie they'll say :"yes kylie is fantastic"


Agata & Me

short melancholic electroacoustic live set


Captain Daydream DJ set

from the deep roots of blues to sparkling electronic music and alternative hip hop




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