henk bakker / lukas simonis nl

Samstag, 23 September, 2006 - 23:00

henk bakker / lukas simonis nl

Henk Bakker: musician, composer, organiser. Henk Bakker studied
solo bassclarinet from `87 till ?92 at the conservatory in Utrecht
with H.Sparnaay -
mostly modern chamber music, did some course with electronic pioneer/composer T Bruynel.
After wich he did many projects in bands and ensembles,
since the Mid 90ies he's working as an allround team member with the WORM group,
as a programmaker, webstation manager, radiomaker,organiser.
Since 2000 he organizes Radioworm. Living in Rotterdam
Henk Bakker studierte am Konservatorium in Utricht von 1987 bis 1992 
Solo-Bassclarinette bei H. Sparnaay. Schwerpunkte: Kammer- und
elektroakustische Musik. Seitdem nahm er an einer Vielzahl von Band-, Ensemble
und Theaterproduktionen in und ausserhalb der Niederlande teil. In den
90er Jahre wurde er Mitglied der WORM-Gruppe in Rotterdam, wo er als
Programmgestalter, Webstation-Manager, Organisator und, seit 2000 mit
RadioWORM, auch als Radiomacher arbeitet. Lebt in Rotterdam. (Ausfuehrliche
Bio: http://hekvibes.com/content/view/18//)

Lukas Simonis hat seine Wurzeln als Instrumentalist und musikalischer
'Aktivist' im Industrial-Rock und und Noise-Rock-Szene der 80er Jahre.
Er war Teil des Rotterdamer Jazzbunkers, eines Kollektivs aus
Punk-Rock-Musikern, Free-Jazzern und fruehen elektronisch experimentellen
Ensembles. Er spielte in Bands wie Dull Schicksal, Trespassers W and
Morzelpronk. Zu dieser Zeit schrieb er auch fuer die Underground-Magazine
Trespassers W, Opscene, Mondain Den Haag und Koekrandt und organisierte
Konzerte, Events und Filme zunaechst im Jazzbunker, spaeter dann beim
Dissonanten festival, bei Popifilm, Dodorama und schliesslich bei WORM, wo er
seit den spaeten 90ern als Programmmacher arbeitet und den Bereich
cirque du WORM betreut.

Within the
WORM philosiphies RadioWORM is a means of penetrating the mainstream media and
of fascilitating the free and/or independent media. It is a means to connect,
interact, share and hopefully give birth to joint ventures between various
places, cities, individuals and organisations. We acknowledge the huge
importance of unbiased, free and independent RADIO and its communities
throughout the world.

RadioWORM is a
monthly program which is constructed from original sound material by various
artists, especially in the field of elektronik music- composed, programmed,
improvised, sampled, plundered- as long as it is adventurous, cutting edge,

...... WORM
itself is a venue for modern/experimental music-performances and club events,
and also for film. We also run a small cd/record shop. Each month we organise
some 8 or 10 events (for the past 10 years now) in Rotterdam. For the past 6.5
years we've been making radioprograms
in various formats; The original RadioWORM itself is a monthly one hour format;
From all over the world we receive music and audiofiles wich we compile and
edit into this non stop 1 hour show we send this once a month to a variety of
around 15 free/legal radio stations in holland, germany, belgium, finland,
slovenia, amerika, spain. we continue looking for more radiostations to
broadcast our magazine. Presently we're in the process of starting internet
radio thru our webplatform WORMstation.nl

Then there are
the RadioWORM specials consisting of material from a specific country (like we
did China, Spain, Chili, Greece, Portugal, South America) and integral
studiosessions (OST, FM3, Next live, the ZOD-crew, Drop the Lime) or live-recordings
( Filastine, Maga Bo, DJ Amsia) to name a few.

WORM founded
in Rotterdan Holland is an organisation that focuses on presenting and
producing experimental sound and image, without limitations. WORM organizes
film evenings, concerts, clubnights and improvisation nights and initiates
productions via her filmlaboratory, radio transmissions, audiostudio and other
projects (such as the instant music, bronbrom, resortoff : all typical joint
enterprises by small venues thruout the country.

non-conformism and innovation are main objectives, yet leaving plenty of room
to the tradition of avantgarde as well as the dark sides of life.WORM doesn't
consider technique, medium or genre to be the forces that hold everything
together. WORM thinks mentality and vision do!. Form follows idea or objective.

By giving
opportunity to creators to produce and present, WORM tries to contribute to the
further development of the time-related arts of sound and image. Using the
know-how of the past with an eye on the future WORM positions itself on the
cutting edge of analogue and digital, popular and classic, beauty and ugliness,
old and young, gruesome and civilized. Mixing these contrasting entities
amounts to a dynamic energy that lead to discovering unknown territories and
give liveliness and inspiration to art.

RadioWORM is a
platform for experimental sound art, another form of concertation but also an
unique collection of soundactivities as taking place on the WORM stage. Sound
artists of various backgrounds are brought together into an continuous series.
Each month a new one hour edition is realized. Besides, the experimental home
studio activities of a mostly obscure generation of Rotterdam musicians are put
on display. RadioWORM is an extension of the WORM stage activities. It's
working principles are experiment, sound- and form research. Radio offers the
possibility for a continuum of artistic production over an extended period of
time. It has been proven that a regular contribution of music creates a
thematic exposure of the artist' work, joined in a fascinating collage of
sound. All contributed material prefferably should be specially composed for

In the wake of
RadioWORM, the webplatform WORM.station was conceived. WORMstation is an ongoing
web project. We present streaming audio and movie files: WORMradio, concerts,
short movies, TV-programs and special radio projects (The Las Palmas Project)
and studioprojects (Placard, AGM). We also like to host unique projects, such
as the Nano festival and currently we are working on projects such as an
interactive radioplay. We are also inviting artists and software developpers to
initiate interactive projects. Furthermore we’re seeking programexchange with
other webcommunities in the field of audio and film. WORMstation version 2 is

For more info
on WORM and our monthly program, also for related links, go to: http://www.wormweb.nl

You can listen
online to RadioWORM at : www.wormstation.nl

You may want
to contact us directly with remarks, questions or audio/movie contributions,
Plans and ideas fot intergalactic cooperation and germless digisaliva
swapping....Please do email to henk@wormweb.nl

or send
promo's, demo's and love letters to: WORM, P.O.Box 25045, 3001 HA Rotterdam,
The Netherlands

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