Image for Mattin//Aguirre/Krieger

Sonntag, 11 Juni, 2006 - 22:30


Mattin (computer) solo
Marcelo Aguirre (Schlagzeug, Stimme)/Ulrich Krieger (Saxophon)

Aguirre hails from Argentina and has resided in the city of Berlin for
the past six years. A self-taught percussionist and vocalist, his
playing manifests a spectrum of influences, ranging from spacious,
delicate pulsation, to bursts of pure tone color into free music or
charged noise, with a focus on continuous sound and changing dynamics. He curated and co-curated events at the Podewil Contemporary Arts Center in Berlin, 2003-2004 (Sculpture Musicale; Violet Music I & II; der negative horizont).
He is also active writing about experimental music since '92 for
diverse magazines and creating his small homemade, work-in
progress label minúscula. His involvement on various intermedia projects include live improv with Anna Barth's Butoh dance performances; the cut-up quartet Val Afumo
alongside visual/performance artists Peter Morrens, Juha Valkeapää and
musician Andreas Fulgosi providing music to avantgarde cinema; and the duo The Inner Metal with Karen Scheper merging sound performance with live
drawings/environments. Actively working with California composer
Michael Jon Fink, has toured venues in Berlin, Paris, Lier, Brussels,
Berkeley and Los Angeles, while has/keeps working with composers/improvisers John Duncan, Hans W. Koch, Bettina Wenzel, Steffen Basho-Junghans, Mark Trayle, Daniel Varela, José
Marchi and Ulrich Krieger.

As part of the series biegungen im ausland

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