Noise-Makers Fifes: Imprackage
Image for Noise-Makers Fifes: Imprackage

noise-makers fifes Geert Feytons and Marc Wroblewski

Mittwoch, 31 Mai, 2006 - 22:00

Noise-Makers Fifes: Imprackage


Audio-visual improvisation concert/performance


Noise-Maker’s Fifes (Brussels, Belgium)


NMF (Geert Feytons and Marc Wroblewski)
play self-made instruments contructed from cords, pieces of recycled
metal, glass and wood, stones and even liquids in combination with
electronics, effects and environmental sound recordings. The videos
used during Imprackage aim to visualize any kind
of sound source and to use images in which sounds strikingly manifest


“Imprackage”, >> is an improvisation package.


NMF proposes, “Imprackage” as >> a concept,


adjusted to the performance situation,
with a line-up & technical requirements, depending on the available
budget, the space/location & circumstances.

>> Improvisation is the departure point, all the rest is unpredictable.

It’s also… a well defined, … >> structure,


prepared Marc Wroblewski & Geert Feytons to give some direction to guest members…


This method creates… >> an invisible ‘performance’ manual,


based the involved musicians, instruments & media



>> Sound and Image …a Video – concert,


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