Donnerstag, 06 Oktober, 2005 - 23:00


Lars Scherzberg - alto saxophone (Hamburg)
John Hughes - double bass (Hamburg)
Jeff Arnal - drums and percussion (NYC)

Tripwire s/t (Generate 2002)
Top Floor Encounter (Oaksmus 2000)

Selected Press
"The trio builds impressive levels of intensity without resorting
to volume. Each track is a cutting-edge free improv delight. Highly
recommended." François Couture, All Music Guide

"Recorded in five different venues in Hamburg and Berlin, the two
Americans and one German who make up the trio show here how their music
has intensified and adapted in the 18 months since their first CD.
another deluxe improv seminar. It provides renewed emphasis on
the talent of the three musicians and the adaptability of their music."
Ken Waxman, Jazz Weekly

Percussionist Jeff Arnal's balletic sense of time and imaginative
deployment of colour have combined into a highly original concept"
Philip Clark, The Wire. Arnal frequently performs and collaborates with
a wide range of musicians and choreographers in the U.S. and Europe. He
studied music at Bennington College with Milford Graves receiving an
MFA in 2000. A native of Georgia, Arnal moved to Baltimore, MD in 1991
to attend the Peabody Conservatory, and later study composition with
Stuart Saunders Smith. He has received grants and fellowships from Meet
the Composer and Art Omi International. Recent performances
include deSingel, German Nordwestradio, Music at the Anthology,
Roulette and Vision Collaboration Festival. He can be heard on a
number of independent record labels including Generate, Cadence Jazz,
Leo, and Oaksmus. He is a co-artistic director of the Improvised
and Otherwise Festival and curates On the way Out, a monthly new music
series in Brooklyn, NY.

John Hughes is an American double bassist, currently residing in
Hamburg. He is an active member of the jazz and improv. community in
Hamburg, performing regularly both in Hamburg and in Germany. John has
worked with numerous groups and projects, dancers, poets, artists and
light technicians. John has been organizing the occasional improv.
concert in Hamburg since his arrival in 1998. In Nov. 2004, John
curated the first , annual "Phenomorphonic" festival in the
Christianskirche, Hamburg. This festival for experimental accoustic and
electronic music brought together musicians from New York, Berlin,
Switzerland, Italy, and Hamburg.

Lars Scherzberg was born in Hamburg in 1972. He lives in Berlin,
where he works with different musicians improvising and playing new
music. He has studied classical and new music, playing classical
guitar, at the Hamburg Conservatory and the Hochschule für Künste,
Bremen. It was this academic experience that led him to abandon the
guitar in favor of the alto saxophone, leading him to approach sound
purely rather then the too often stiff, technical world of modern
composition. He was impacted by contact with bassist Torsten Müller,
who introduced him to possibilities of freely improvising. Lars has
played since in festivals and concerts all over Germany and Europe.
Including, Acoustic Room Proportion, Venice, Sonic Acts, Amsterdam,
Total Music Meeting 2000 (Berlin), Stig Um Bindet Weiter Ver,
Wuppertal, Klangaktionen 99, München, & in the U.S.A.: Improvised
& Otherwise, New York, Knitting Factory, New York, Redroom,

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