Furudate / Toeplitz / Takeya

Freitag, 27 Mai, 2005 - 23:00

Furudate / Toeplitz / Takeya

Noise with silence
"Offenbarung und Untergang"
from Georg Trakl


Sounds: Tetsuo Furudate + Kasper T. Toeplitz
Vocal performance: Akemi Takeya


Images : Lillevän

Kasper T. Toeplitz (Paris) and Tetsuo Furudate (Tokyo) play noise and silence as duo. Voices of Akemi Takeya (Vienna) are dropped down into it, and the images with the darkness by Lillevän (Berlin) cover them all. Throughout, the eidolon of Georg Trakl stands behind us with the cry to his being and the silence of his inconsolable. We are merely simulating his gesture of despair.



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