Donnerstag, 19 Mai, 2005 - 23:00


eiskalt/southern records present :

Enablers (Neurot, SF/USA)
Sennen (NL)

Enablers :



All four members of San Francisco's Enablers are journeyman artists in their own right... On guitar and behind the mixing board is Joe Goldring. He has collaborated with Swans, Toiling Midgets and Doug Scharin of Rex and June of '44 under the monkier Out In Worship. He has also worked on Neurosis' Steve Von Till's side-projects.




Kevin Thompson is a veteran of Timco and Nice Strong Arm and has been playing and touring for twenty years as well as working on his own projects. He has been a writing partner of Goldring for ten of those years, collaborating on the bands Morning Champ, Touched by a Janitor and now Enablers.


Yuma Joe Byrnes features on drums and has lent his unique take on the trapset to Tarnation, Broken Horse and others.


Pete Simonelli has been continually writing and publishing his efforts in underground literary journals for many years. He now brings his unique writing style to the table for Enablers. With neither wasted words nor notes, the songs are a rich source of styles and collaborations.


Southern Records link


Enablers spring '05 tour press release:
Neurot recording artists Enablers of San Francisco California are performing a three week concert tour of Holland, Germany, and the U.K. this May/June of 2005 in support of Mid March Records vinyl only release of their 2004 Neurot recording "End Note".
Exactly one year after being released, "End Note" is still gathering acclaim for its unique pairing of music with spoken word. Jordan Mamone, writing for Time Out New York magazine summed it up best..."Enablers not only redefine the genre, they deftly rewrite the book."
Enablers see the 2005 Mid March Records vinyl release of "End Note" as a perfect opportunity to build on the good will and interest generated by their live performances on tour in the European Union last fall. For dates, details, venues and MP-3's visit the Neurot Recordings website, www. or e-mail Kevin Thomson of Enablers





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