Martin Kuentz

Martin Kuentz

MARTIN KUENTZ has exhibited, broadcast and performed in Berlin and throughout europe(0). Operating with a variety of open source hardware technology, his current works explores the realms of terrestral and cosmic radio, isolation and electromagnetic environmental phenomena through workshops, installations and live actions. Notable projects including also collaborations with Martin Howse's micro_research (1), for tuned city with Ralf Schreiber (2) and the spectroscopy (3) series of workshops for club-transmediale 2010 with Jo Frgmnt Grys. He is currently working on a series of live installations with Marta Zapparoli (4) and continues to pursue and investigate into the artistic use of wireless and electromagnetic phenomena(5).  (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)http://www.scrying.org  RECENT ACTIVITIES:  Radio  http://www.piradio.de  Workshops  Collaborative artisctic plattforms  http://www.scrying.orghttp://www.salonbruit.orghttp://www.dienstbar.info  live actions / installations  Sound Art Releases


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