Barbara Loreck
Her performances explore transformation processes of every day objects and situations into live stories using video, live acts and movement. Among her latest projects is Namibian Islands, a theatrical research and performance created with theatre students from Katutura/Windhoek about postcolonial traces in very day life in today’s Namibia. The performance Blow up 160 is situated at the interface of privacy, suspicion and surveillance and traveled so far to Brussels, Istanbul and Bangalore.
She is co-founder of several independent art initiatives such as fernwärme, a production and artistic research network for performance artists and co-curator of the corresponding event series at ausland, Berlin. Since 2001 she teaches in the field of theatre, performance and video at various Art Universities. In 2010/11 she is visiting professor at the University of the Arts in Berlin. She has a Master in Roman Languages, Theatre and Film and completed the 4-year Body-Mind-Centering Practitioner Program (training for movement, dance, experimental anatomy) in the USA. She lives and works in Berlin, Germany.